State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

VIDEO: From Trumpcare to Judge Kavanaugh, Senator Murray Urges People in Washington State and Nationwide to Pay Attention to Republican Attempts to Undermine Health Care for Millions of Patients and Families

At news conference, Senator Murray highlights efforts from Republican leaders to sabotage health care and undermine patient protections

Senator Murray also emphasized the threat President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh poses to women’s health, patient protections, & more

Senator Murray on Republicans’ repeated attempts to undermine health care: “Don’t just listen to their spin and their rhetoric—look at their actions—and that will tell you everything you need to know” 


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, highlighted Republicans’ continued efforts to undermine health care for millions of patients and families in Washington state and nationwide. During a news conference at the U.S. Capitol, Senator Murray cited Republicans’ frequent attempts to worsen families’ health care by legislation and sabotage, including by slashing investments that help families find coverage, expanding loopholes that allow insurers to offer junk plans, and refusing to defend pre-existing conditions in court. Senator Murray also pointed to the threat President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh poses to women’s health and protections for patients with pre-existing conditions if confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

Watch video of Senator Murray’s remarks HERE.

Full transcript of Senator Murray’s remarks:

“There’s an old saying that I like a lot—don’t just listen to what people say, watch what they do, and that will tell you where they really stand. 

“So I want to adjust that a bit today. Don’t just listen to what Republicans say about protecting people with pre-existing conditions, watch what they do.  Don’t just listen to their spin and their rhetoric—look at their actions—and that will tell you everything you need to know.

“And what are Republicans doing? Well, they are doing everything possible, using every tool they have, to undermine health care for families and take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

“We saw that time and again here in Congress—when Republicans tried to jam Trumpcare through Congress and were stopped only by a united Democratic front along with Senators John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins, who bravely stood up for patients and families.

“We saw that this morning—when Republican officials from 20 states across the country argued to get rid of health care reform and the protections it offers for patients and the Trump Administration flipped sides to stand right by their side.

“And we see that right now—as Republicans are trying to jam through a Supreme Court nominee who was selected specifically because he would overturn Roe v. Wade and end protections for people with pre-existing conditions. And if confirmed to the Court, could rule against patient protections on the very case being argued this morning.

“You know, Republicans don’t like when we talk about this issue.  They know how unpopular their position is—they make it clear they don’t care about patients and are only looking out for the insurance companies, special interest groups, and extreme conservatives.

“That’s why they don’t tell people where they really stand—it’s why they introduce pretend bills that make it seem like they are on patients’ side. And it’s why I say: don’t just watch what they say, watch what they do.

“So we Democrats are going to keep standing up for patients with pre-existing conditions.  We are going to keep fighting against Judge Kavanaugh and this sham process Republicans are using to hide the facts and try to jam him through.  And I am confident that families across the country are going to be listening to what all of us say—and even more importantly, they are going to be watching what all of us do.

“Thank you.”
