State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Statement of Senator Patty Murray on Final Passage of S. 3, the So-Called Partial Birth Abortion Ban

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — For the first time since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, the U.S. Senate has given final approval to legislation restricting access to safe and legal abortion procedures. The vote was 64-34 and Sen. Murray voted against the ban.

Sen. Murray said, “I am deeply disappointed and gravely concerned about the precedent set by this legislation. This is an attack on a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion procedure.”

“Voters in Washington state wisely defeated a similar effort in 1998. This legislation includes no exception or consideration for the health of the woman. For the first time, the health of a woman will not be a factor in determining the most appropriate procedure. This legislation is unconstitutional and would jeopardize a woman’s health,” Murray continued.

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar Nebraska state law, because its definition was so vague as to restrict abortions in the early stages of pregnancy as well as later stages. Furthermore, the Court faulted the Nebraska law for not including an exception for the health of the woman.

The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision guaranteed a woman a right to an abortion in the first and second trimester. The court ruled in 1973 that states could restrict abortions in the final trimester as long as there is an exception made for the life and health of the woman.

During Senate debate, Murray offered a comprehensive prevention amendment that would have provided access to health care for low income pregnant women and access to emergency contraceptives for rape victims. The amendment would also have guaranteed contraceptive equity for women and access to information about safe, legal emergency contraceptives. The amendment was defeated on a budget point of order.

“The Murray amendment would have reduced the number of unintended pregnancies, ultimately reducing the number of abortions and ensured access to health care for low income pregnant woman,” Sen. Murray said.

“Unfortunately, proponents of S. 3 did not want to have a debate on preventing the need for abortions and instead chose to restrict access to reproductive choice, procedure by procedure.”

Senator Murray also supported an amendment offered by Senator Feinstein that would have outlawed all late term abortions, except in those cases where the health and life of the woman was in jeopardy. This amendment was also defeated due to objections about the health of the woman.

“I hope and believe that the Court will act quickly to strike down this law and that we can work in a bipartisan fashion to reduce unintended pregnancies and improve the health of mothers and their unborn children.”
