State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Statement of Sen. Murray on Vancouver Winning the 2010 Winter Olympics

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — Today the International Olympic Committee announced that Vancouver, B.C. will host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Sen. Murray has been a strong supporter of the Olympic movement. In 2001, she stood up for Olympic athletes against Congressional efforts to politicize the 2008 Summer Games. After a House resolution was offered to oppose the selection of Beijing to host the Games, Murray sponsored a Senate resolution urging the IOC to reject efforts to politicize the selection process. Murray also met with former U.S. athletes who had been denied the right to represent their country in the 1980 Summer Olympics.

Sen. Murray released the following statement:

“I want to congratulate the City of Vancouver for the honor and opportunity of hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics. Washington state offers a hand of partnership to our neighbor during this endeavor, and we look forward to strengthening the historic ties between our nations.

This announcement could provide a real economic boost to Washington state. It is essential that our state’s transportation infrastructure will be able to sustain the increased traffic volume that will accompany this event. I will work at the federal level to continue making transportation a priority.

As a longtime advocate for the Northern Border, I hope that today’s announcement will help focus attention and resources on the challenges we still face. We must make sure that our state’s border crossings are secure and efficient.

Finally, Washington state knows much about the Olympic spirit, as we are home to about 175 former Olympians. We are pleased that our neighbors to the north will host such a momentous event, and we stand ready to partner with them.
