State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

STATE OF THE UNION: Senator Murray to Highlight Trump Attacks on Reproductive Health Care Access with WA Patient As Guest

Senator Murray, who has been a vocal opponent of the Trump-Pence Administration’s efforts to undermine the Title X federal family planning program, invites patient advocate to State of the Union 

After losing her insurance, Vancouver resident Emma Bosley was able to get the medical care she needed at Planned Parenthood thanks to the Title X program

Trump-Pence Administration recently forced Planned Parenthood and other trusted providers out of Title X with harmful and medically unnecessary restrictions and a “gag rule” limiting the information health care providers can share with patients 

Senator Murray: “I’m proud to welcome Emma Bosley as my guest to the State of the Union and to help lift up stories like hers, even as Republicans try to ignore them”

Emma Bosley: “Title X was critical to me finding care, managing my disease and taking control of my life. Without it, I don’t know where I would be today”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, will attend the State of the Union, joined by Emma Bosley, from Vancouver, Washington, a patient who received care funded by Title X, the nation’s only federal funding program dedicated to family planning services. Senator Murray and Emma have both been vocal advocates against President Trump’s gag rule that restricted Title X-funded providers from even giving patients information about safe, legal abortion, forced trusted providers like Planned Parenthood out of the program with harmful and medically unnecessary regulations, and threatens to take care away from millions of women across the country.  

When Emma was diagnosed with endometriosis—a painful condition that can lead to infertility if not treated—she had a minimum wage job, no health insurance, and no idea how she would be able to get the medical care she needed. Like so many women across the country, Emma was able to turn to Planned Parenthood, where she was able to get the care she needed regardless of how much she made.

“From Vancouver to Seattle, families across Washington state and the country have been calling on Republicans to fight back against the Trump-Pence Administration’s efforts to undermine the historically bipartisan Title X family planning program and take needed health care away from millions of people. Republicans may be trying to shut these voices out, but I’m absolutely not going to let them. That’s why I’m proud to welcome Emma Bosley as my guest to the State of the Union and to help lift up stories like hers, even as Republicans try to ignore them,” said Senator Murray. “I know patients like Emma are going to keep fighting to reverse President Trump’s damaging ‘gag rule’ so that patients across the country can get the care and information they need from providers they trust, like Planned Parenthood—and I am going to keep fighting alongside them.”

“Being diagnosed with a chronic disease without insurance or support was overwhelming and is a situation no one prepares you for; after my diagnosis the last thing I wanted to think about was the cost and how to navigate the system,” said Emma Bosley. “Title X was critical to me finding care, managing my disease and taking control of my life. Without it, I don’t know where I would be today.”

Before the Trump Administration’s gag rule went into effect, Title X-funded centers provided care for over 90,000 women in Washington state, and millions more nationwide.

