State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Standing up for Middle Class Families in Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

Last weekend, I was a guest on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” where I discussed the upcoming fiscal cliff, and reiterated my belief that any deficit reduction plan must protect working families by requiring the wealthiest to pay their fair share. As Chair of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction, or Supercommittee, I repeatedly fought back against attempts to balance the budget on the backs of middle class families and seniors.  No one wants to go over the fiscal cliff, but a fair deal is absolutely critical here, and I will continue to push for a balanced approach to reducing our debt and deficit.

Watch full interview 

“Murray takes hard line on fiscal cliff negotiations” – The National Journal   

“Sen. Murray: Dems would let Bush-era rates expire before taking ‘unfair deal’” – The Hill

Cost-of-Living Adjustment for our Veterans

Last week, I was proud to help pass a bill to provide a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for our veterans.  I fought hard for passage of this bill after an unnamed Senator blocked the traditionally non-controversial bill in late September.  This COLA will affect several important benefits, including veterans’ disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses and children.  It is projected that over 3.9 million veterans and survivors will receive compensation benefits in Fiscal Year 2013.   Particularly in this difficult economy, our veterans deserve a boost in their benefits to help make ends meet.  I am so glad we were finally able to move forward with passage of this bill.  Caring for our nation’s veterans should never be a partisan issue.

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“Senate passes COLA bill for veterans at deadline” – The Washington Post

“Veteran Benefits bill passed by Senate” – The Huffington Post

Providing Critical Protections Against Domestic Violence

Six months ago, the Senate passed a bipartisan, inclusive Violence Against Women Act and sent the bill to the House for a vote.  Six months later, we are still waiting for that vote to take place.  Women across the country are still waiting.  This six month delay is inexcusable­– one day is inexcusable. As we enter the final days of this Congress, I will continue to push members of Congress to look beyond ideology and partisan politics and end their obstruction to this critical legislation. 

In July, my office launched a petition calling on Speaker Boehner to pass VAWA.  The petition included thousands of stories from domestic violence survivors and their families.

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“GOP not budging on Violence Against Women Act” – Talking Points Memo

“Will GOP opposition to Violence Against Women Act renewal soften after election?”
– The Huffington Post  

Navy Considering Whidbey Island Basing

Last week, Congressman Larsen and I applauded the announcement by the U.S. Navy on their intent to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the introduction of the P-8A Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) to the U.S. Navy Fleet. The Navy will study three alternatives to its 2008 Record of Decision (ROD), which could result in as many as seven squadrons and a total of 49 aircraft to Navy Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI). A final decision is expected early 2014. Whidbey Island continues to be a premier naval aviation installation, with strategic location and strong community support. The Navy’s decision to pursue additional Poseidon squadrons at NASWI is not only a smart fiscal decision, but also a vital national security imperative. I am grateful to Congressman Larsen for his leadership on this and will continue to work with him as this process unfolds in the months and years to come.

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