(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) announced that she has included $140,000 to train more early childhood educators in Southwest Washington in an important Senate spending bill. The funding will go to the Southwest Washington Early Learning and Teaching Career Academy to train up to 60 Southwest Washington high school-aged youth in an education related occupation. The program will provide hands on work experience and training related to education with the goal of encouraging more young people to pursue post-secondary education and careers in the field of early learning education and K-12 teaching. The funding was included in the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) Appropriations bill.
"This funding will provide a much needed boost to those on both ends of our K-12 education system – those entering school for the first time and those entering college and the workplace for the first time," said Senator Murray. "As a former preschool teacher, I know how rewarding early childhood education programs can be for both students and teachers. This program will help introduce high school students to the skills and mentors they can use to move on to a career in education and will give more Southwest Washington families the chance to prepare their children to succeed in school."
“The Children Northwest Board of Directors understands the value of recruiting youth and young adults to the early learning and K-12 education communities." said Val Ogden, Former Washington State Legislature, Member of the Children Northwest Board of Directors. "We are excited about the potential to assist these young learners in their path toward higher learning in these fields. Their participation is crucial to the future success of educating our children.”
The Early Learning and Teaching Career Academies will enable 60 SW Washington youth to explore careers in the field of education and to learn first hand about the education and skills needed for a successful career in a high demand field. There are more than 598 annual job openings in education-related fields in Southwest Washington.