State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray’s Statement on the President’s Budget Request for Veterans Programs

(Washington, D.C.) – Today,
Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman, Senator Patty Murray, released the
following statement on the President’s 2012 budget request for veterans
programs. The President’s budget requests an increase of approximately
$2.7 billion for VA health care over current year VA
funding in a very difficult budget year.

we send servicemembers into harm’s way, it is our non-negotiable duty to take
care of them when they come home.  I know that the President understands
that veterans’ health care cannot be jeopardized, that mental health concerns
must be treated with the same seriousness as physical wounds, and that our
benefits process needs to be improved. His overall request for increased
funding for VA health care during an exceedingly difficult budget year appears
to reflect that understanding.

I will want to hear directly from Secretary Shinseki and others at the VA about
their specific plans to care for our veterans and make the VA into a 21st
century agency capable of meeting the needs of all of our veterans.  On
first glance, it looks like the President’s request is a fair place to start,
but the truth will be in the details.

we move forward I will be reviewing many of the specifics in this budget
proposal, including how the VA can better use technology to address a benefits
claims backlog that has gone on too long and must be a top priority for the
Committee and the Congress.

“I will also pay close attention to a number of other
concerns, including helping homeless veterans get off the streets, helping
unemployed veterans find job training resources and meaningful careers, and
ensuring that VA is addressing the growing needs of women veterans.

“Providing the best possible care and benefits to veterans is
a cost of war, a cost that must be paid in full. As Chairman of the Veterans’
Affairs Committee, I will continue to work diligently to ensure that veterans’
needs are met.”
