State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray’s Statement on Passage of GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: “It’s hard to overstate the cruelty of the Trump-Republican bill”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), one of seven Senate Democrats named to the conference committee, released the following statement after Republicans jammed through tax cuts that benefit the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations on a party-line vote.

“From the very start, President Trump and Republicans shut out Democrats, nonpartisan experts, and the vast majority of Americans because they knew this legislation would never survive the light of day. The result of their closed-door negotiations is a terribly partisan bill that funnels even more money to those at the very top, at the expense of hardworking families and future generations.

“From the millions of Americans who will lose health coverage or see their premiums go up, to the middle class families who will see their tax bill increase in the coming years, to the pristine region of Alaska that will open to drilling, it’s hard to overstate the cruelty of the Trump-Republican bill. It’s also hard to overstate the hypocrisy of so-called fiscal conservatives who apparently didn’t think twice about blowing a massive hole in our deficit and endangering Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid— all so they could dole out more tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy and the Trump family.

“While I am deeply disappointed President Trump and Republicans succeeded in jamming their destructive bill through without real hearings, true openness to amendments, bipartisan input—or allowing the Senator-elect from Alabama to cast a vote– I am extremely proud of the millions of people from every corner of this country who made their voices heard and who did everything they could to highlight the gross inequities of the GOP tax bill. I want the American people to know this fight is not over. I urge everyone to join me in continuing to hold Republicans accountable for their votes—and to work with Democrats to reverse the pieces of this legislation that so heavily tip the scales to the wealthiest in the country.” 
