State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray’s Service to Veterans’ Community Honored with Silver Helmet Award from AMVETS

(Washington, D.C.) – On Thursday April 3rd, U.S. Senator Patty Murray

(Senator Muray receives the Silver Helmet Award.D-WA) was presented with the Silver Helmet Award for her work to help veterans in Washington state and across the country. Each year AMVETS presents the Silver Helmet Award to "honor champions of veterans’ service for their tireless efforts to improve the lives of our veterans and their families."  

 More information on the Silver Helmet Award

Senator Murray discussed her personal commitment to veterans at the award presentation by relating the story of her own father, an injured World War II veteran, and her experiences as a volunteer at Seattle VA hospital during Vietnam. Senator Murray said those experiences motivated her to take on the tremendous responsibilities our country has to the aging veteran population and to the veterans coming home today from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have now lasted longer than World War II, and veterans are returning with new, serious injuries that will require care for many years to come," Murray said today.

"We have an urgent need to better understand how to prevent and treat brain trauma and psychological wounds so we can provide the care these new veterans have earned. So we have a lot of work to do as we try to remind our government that when we recruit a soldier today – we promise to care for him – or her – for a lifetime."

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