State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Statement on Veterans Day

Today we honor and celebrate the great courage and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans. Because of their sacrifice, my grandson is growing up – free and safe – in the greatest country in world. Because of their service, America is the brightest light of freedom and the strongest pillar of democracy on our planet. Because of their commitment, those who are serving today in Iraq and Afghanistan know that we will fight for them as they have fought for us.

As we honor generations of veterans, we currently have more than 22,000 Washington state soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines risking their lives under hostile fire in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the globe. Today, as they are every day, these soldiers and their families are in our hearts and prayers.

I hope that today’s remembrances and tributes will pave the way for us in Congress to truly show our veterans that caring for them when they return home is a national priority. I will continue to fight for them and hold our government to the promise the President Abraham Lincoln made nearly 140 years ago, “to care for the veteran who has borne the battle, his widow and his orphan.” They deserve no less.
