State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Statement on Senate Passage of Legislation to Overhaul Congressional Oversight of Intelligence

As the threats that face our country change, we have to change our tactics. On Wednesday I voted to modernize and unify our intelligence community. Today I voted to make Congress a better watchdog of that new intelligence system.

I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle as part of the Senate’s bipartisan 9/11 Working Group to consider the recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission and craft these reforms. We worked to give Congress a stronger hand in overseeing our intelligence operations in this new era because we will not let turf battles get in the way of defending America.

These are the right steps for Congress, for our Intelligence services, and for our nation. We will be safer and more efficient when they are signed into law.

I’m proud that, in the same spirit of unity the 9/11 Commission displayed, we were able complete this process and pass an excellent piece of legislation.