Senator Patty Murray press release

Senator Murray Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“One year ago, Vladimir Putin made the cruel and senseless decision to invade Ukraine and wage a brutal and unprovoked war against a sovereign democracy. As Russia’s tanks rolled into Ukraine, the world feared Kyiv could soon fall. But a year later, Ukraine stands tall.

“Let’s be clear that Putin’s invasion and the atrocities he’s committed—ongoing mass murders and indiscriminate attacks against civilians—are acts of genocide. But the Ukrainian people have not only capably defended their country, they have inspired the world with their absolutely remarkable courage and resolve in the face of these war crimes.

“The United States must continue to stand united with our allies against Russia’s brutal war at every step of the way. I am determined to continue to do all I can to ensure we provide the support Ukraine needs to defend itself and win back peace and security for its people. My heart is with Ukraine, and I am equally determined to ensure we are welcoming the refugees forced to flee their homes with open arms while looking ahead to what must be done to rebuild Ukraine stronger than before.”

