State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray: Senate Republicans Attacking, Trying to Bully Dr. Ford In Attempt to Rush Judge Kavanaugh Onto Supreme Court

“Senate Republicans are sending women across the country who may have more experiences to share about Judge Kavanaugh or anyone else a loud and clear message: if you have been assaulted or harassed by a powerful Republican man, you better not talk about it or you’re going to pay a price”

“Republican leaders should do the right thing and delay this hearing, allow a fair and full investigation, and only then move forward with fair hearings that include all relevant witnesses”

Senator Murray first ran for Senate after watching Anita Hill’s mistreatment and has shared

(Washington, D.C.)  – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement on the news that Senate Republicans are attempting to force Dr. Ford to appear at a hearing on Monday without an investigation or including other relevant witnesses.

“We have heard Dr. Ford bravely talk about her experience of being sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh when she was 15 years old, and now we are seeing Dr. Ford being attacked once again—this time by Republican leaders intent on protecting Judge Kavanaugh and putting him on the Supreme Court no matter what. Republican leaders should be ashamed of themselves for demanding that Dr. Ford show up at a time they have chosen for political reasons, on extreme short notice, without any fair investigation having been done, without any additional relevant witnesses being called, and while she and her family are in hiding and facing death threats. She has made it clear that she is willing to testify, so there is absolutely no reason for Senate Republicans to try to bully her or attack her for very reasonably requesting a basic level of fair treatment and human decency.

“The attacks and threats against Dr. Ford are horrific and they are exactly the reason why she, and so many women in her position, are hesitant to speak up. Senate Republicans are sending women across the country who may have more experiences to share about Judge Kavanaugh or anyone else a loud and clear message: if you have been assaulted or harassed by a powerful Republican man, you better not talk about it or you’re going to pay a price. But I want her and every other woman to know: I stand with you, I believe you, I will fight for you and against those intent on tearing you down—and I know millions of women and men across the country will as well.

“The goal of Republican leaders couldn’t be clearer, and couldn’t be more wrong: They view this as the way to get Judge Kavanaugh confirmed as quickly as possible, not a process for allowing the Senate to conduct fair investigations and hearings and perform its constitutional advice and consent role. Republican leaders have absolutely no reason to rush this—except politics.

“Dr. Ford has spoken clearly, and she should be listened to, believed, and treated with decency and respect. She has said she is willing to testify, and Republican leaders should do the right thing and delay this hearing, allow a fair and full investigation, and only then move forward with fair hearings that include all relevant witnesses. If they don’t then women and men across the country will see this for exactly what it is.”
