State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Receives Update at Sea-Tac on Detentions and Meets with Local Family Members Affected by President Trump’s Executive Order

(SeaTac, WA) –  U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement after receiving an update from Port of Seattle officials.

“Tonight, Port of Seattle officials gave me an update on the travelers who were detained at Sea-Tac as a result of President Trump’s callous action that left families in limbo and caused chaos at our nation’s airports. I was also able to hear first-hand from the family of a man who was prevented from entering the United States on Saturday. I thank his family for taking the time to share their experience.

“What unfolded at Sea-Tac and in airports around the U.S. this weekend is nothing short of appalling and un-American. We cannot stand for this—and I applaud the many peaceful demonstrators and lawyers who rushed to our airports to defend our democracy and help the people who have come to our country seeking refuge.

“We should all find strength and resolve in the many thousands of people gathering tonight in Seattle, Tacoma, and cities around the country to stand up to say that this is our country too– and we believe that America has been and will continue to be a place of safety for people around the world fleeing horrific violence in one of the worst refugee crises in recent history. I’ll be fighting as hard as I can at the federal level and encourage everyone to keep making your voices heard. There are moments in history that people look back on and wonder why more people didn’t stand up and fight back. Let’s make sure this moment is written differently.”


