State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Pledges to Boost Hanford Funding in Obama Budget

Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member of the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Committee and a member of the U.S. Senate leadership, released the following statement after the White House released details of their Fiscal Year 2010 Budget.

“The President’s Hanford budget simply doesn’t cut it. We have legal and moral obligations to meet and this budget falls short. 

“When it comes to Hanford cleanup, we can never rest on our laurels. I was proud to work to include nearly $2 billion in funding for Hanford in the Economic Recovery Act, but we need more than a one-time boost. Meeting cleanup goals requires a sustained investment and that means sufficient budgets year-in and year-out.

“My work to improve this budget has already begun. Today, I called Energy Secretary Chu and made clear that this budget is a non-starter. I will continue to ensure that this Administration understands our region’s unique needs and my commitment to increasing Hanford funding. As a senior member of the Committee that oversees DOE’s budget, I will also be working to ensure that Hanford’s final budget reflect the responsibilities the federal government has to our state and the Tri-Cities community.

“The Bush administration left us in a position where we have had to play catch-up on Hanford funding. I will not let us fall behind again.”

