
Senator Murray on the President’s Supplemental Funding Request

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement on the national security supplemental funding request the President submitted to Congress this morning.

“In this precarious moment, it is essential that we continue to support our friends across the globe and invest in our own security. We must stand with Israel in the face of Hamas’ horrific terrorist attacks and deliver much-needed humanitarian aid; we must have Ukraine’s back as it defends its own sovereignty and citizens in the face of Putin’s butchery; and we must help our partners in the Indo-Pacific—including Taiwan—deter growing threats and aggression from the Chinese government. These are urgent—and interrelated—priorities, and I am working in a bipartisan way with my colleagues to ensure we address all of them. I am also reviewing the President’s border-related request and will continue working on bipartisan solutions to address the varied challenges at our nation’s southern border.

The President has made clear he will submit a separate request on critical, bipartisan domestic funding priorities—like addressing the child care crisis affecting our economy and millions of families, nutrition assistance for women and kids, and delivering additional relief to communities recovering from disaster—which I will review once submitted and act on, as well. Because as we address vital national security priorities, I absolutely intend to make a forceful case for the domestic priorities working families across America and Washington state are counting on—and I will be working alongside my colleagues to ensure we do.”
