State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Joins Workers to Support Boeing’s Bid to Bring Jobs to Everett

D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray stood with aerospace workers in
Everett to support Boeing’s bid for a contract to build the next generation of
aerial refueling tankers for the U.S. Air Force. Boeing submitted their
contract bid just one week after the World Trade Organization released findings
that Airbus has received illegal subsidies from European governments, giving
them an unfair advantage in the tanker competition and undercutting American
Workers. Other elected officials attending the rally included Representative
Norm Dicks, Representative Rick Larsen, Representative Jim McDermott,
Representative Jay Inslee.

Senator Murray’s
remarks at the rally today:

“Wow!! By the looks of
this crowd – it’s clear we are ready to deliver a big win for the state of

“Thanks Tom [Tom Wroblewski IAM District 751 President] for that
kind introduction.

“I want to first thank all
of the elected officials, local business leaders, and Boeing officials with us

“By standing together
today and by speaking with one voice we are reminding everyone just how
important it is to bring this contract home,  here to Everett, here to
your backyard, here to Main Street, Washington state to help create jobs and continue
to rebuild our economy. 

“But most importantly
today, I want to thank each and every worker who is taking time out of their
busy day to: Fight for this contract, For their jobs,  And for the jobs of
their neighbors in their communities.

“I know that you’ve been
through some tough times recently.

“I was right here in
Everett a little over two years ago when the Pentagon announced that they would
be sending the contract to build the next generation of tankers overseas.

“I stood on the line that
day shaking hands with workers who had just been told that their help wasn’t
needed  –  And I told them each that I would be doing everything I
could to make this right.

“Well after a long, hard
battle today is the day we’ve been waiting for.

“Today, the world’s best
aerospace workers get the chance to begin to prove to the Pentagon and anyone
else who may have forgotten – just who it is that builds the best planes in the

“Today, you get the chance
to remind them that you are:

“The most skilled, most
innovative, and best trained Aerospace workers in the world. 

 “You get to remind them -
that you’ve delivered for our men and women in uniform – and you’re ready to do
it again.

“You get to remind them
that you are the backbone of not only our industrial base but of our national

“That your work fuels: Our
transportation future,  our economic recovery,  and the growth of our

“And that on a level
playing field NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is going to beat you out for this

“But of course, the key to
making sure you get to deliver for our military – is making sure you get a fair

“And the truth is, for too
long, you’ve been fighting an uphill battle.

“For too long you’ve had
to compete not only against rival workers and companies, you’ve had to also
compete against the treasuries of European governments.

“So today I want to be
very clear – The illegal subsidies Airbus receives have hurt workers in this
room – they need to end – and I won’t stop fighting to ensure they are
considered in this contract.

“That’s why last week when
the WTO came out with their final ruling that European governments have
provided Airbus more than 15 billion euros in launch aid to Airbus – I joined
with many of those on the stage today to condemn these trade-distorting
subsidies and to call on Secretary Gates to include them in the consideration
of this competition.

“The truth is, it’s time
to end this charade.

“It’s time to stop bending
over backwards to change the rules for a company that refuse to play by them.

“And it’s time to give you
all the fair shot you deserve!!

“You know, I grew up not
far from here in Bothell.

“And I know that the work
that happens on the floor here in Everett ripples into communities all
throughout our state.

“I know that when the
aerospace business is booming, so is our state.

“And I know that it’s the
workers here who make all of that happen.

“That is why I’m so
pleased to be with you to take this first step toward building America’s tanker
here in Washington state.

“I know you’re ready!!

“I know you’re fired up!!

“I know that you are going
to come through for: Our men and women in uniform , our taxpayers, and our

“Let’s show everyone that
when it comes to building the planes of tomorrow – Washington state and the
workers in this room – always have and always will deliver.

“Thank you all!!

“And now I’d like to
introduce my partner in the House in working for you.

“Someone who knows how
hard you work each day and who works just as hard to make sure your needs are

“Congressman Norm Dicks….”
