State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Introduces Bicameral Refugee Protection Act of 2019

New legislation would restore and build upon previous, bipartisan refugee consensus

ICYMI: “Last month, for the first time since records began, the number of refugees resettled in the US hit zero” – MORE HERE

Senator Murray: “The United States has long welcomed refugees, and this bill gets us back on the path to… once again making our country a beacon of hope for children and families across the globe fleeing violence and persecution”

(Washington, D.C.) – On Thursday, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) helped introduce the bicameral Refugee Protection Act of 2019. Building upon previous versions of the Refugee Protection Act, the Refugee Protection Act of 2019 is a comprehensive blueprint for restoring and reinvigorating U.S. refugee and asylum systems in response to the Trump administration’s attempts to shut the nation’s doors to refugees and asylum seekers. The legislation comes on the heels of reports that the Trump administration did not allow a single refugee into the country in October, the first time this has occurred since the United States began tracking the number of refugees resettling in the country.

“As the world faces an unprecedented refugee crisis, President Trump’s cruel and inhumane immigration policies have been an unmitigated disaster, both for those already in our country and those seeking safety and security,” Senator Murray said. “The United States has long welcomed refugees, and this bill gets us back on the path to installing comprehensive and fair immigration reform and once again making our country a beacon of hope for children and families across the globe fleeing violence and persecution.”

Senator Murray has been a strong champion for comprehensive immigration reform and other efforts to support the fair treatment of refugees and those seeking asylum, including fighting back against the Trump Administration’s efforts to limit refugee resettlement in the U.S., and demanding President Trump put an end to his Remain in Mexico policy, which unnecessarily places asylum seekers in danger. Additionally, Senator Murray has fought for resources and representation for immigrant and refugee communities in Washington state and across the country.

The Refugee Protection Act of 2019 is endorsed by a wide range of refugee, asylum, immigration, and faith-based organizations. A short outline of the bill can be found here, and a sectional analysis can be found here. Text of the legislation can be found here

