State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Comments on the Iraq Study Group’s Report

(Washington, D.C.) — Today the Iraq Study Group released its report laying out recommendations for the President on Iraq. This morning, as a member of the Senate Democratic leadership, Senator Murray met with members of the Iraq Study Group for a briefing on the report.

Senator Murray issued the following statement:

“This unanimous, bi-partisan report shows that we need to change course in Iraq. I want to commend the bipartisan members of the Iraq Study Group for sharing their expertise, giving an honest assessment, and laying out a path forward in Iraq.

I’ve been to Iraq, I’ve sat down with our troops, and I’ve seen how hard they’re working under very difficult circumstances. We all support them, and we all want them to be able to complete their mission successfully and come home safely.

What the Administration is doing today is not working. The Iraq Study Group has given its recommendations to the President, and now it’s up to the Commander-in-Chief to present his plan for a new direction in Iraq.”
