State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Applauds Commitment from Employers to Offer Summer Jobs to Youth

D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray applauded a new initiative from the
Department of Labor that asks employers to commit to offering summer job
opportunities to young people in their communities. Last year, over 4 million
youth who wanted to work could not find jobs. Without federal funding, and
commitment from local businesses and other employers, there could be even less
job opportunities this summer. This summer jobs initiative hopes to create,
publicize, and fill 100,000 youth jobs this summer. Employers can express their
commitment to helping young people in their community by visiting

extremely grateful to the businesses and organizations that are getting
involved and offering opportunities that help our communities, our economy, and
our young people,”
Senator Murray.

“Over the last two years, I have personally heard stories from young men and
women who participated in summer jobs programs and all of them told me the same
thing – participating in their programs gave them the skills they knew they
needed to succeed in school and work.”

Last year, Senator Murray
introduced an amendment that would have extended funding for this highly
successful program and created 500,000 summer jobs for America’s youth.
