State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Sen. Murray: Responsible Republicans Have The Opportunity To Drop This Partisan Effort and Join Democrats At The Table To Improve Health Care

Following yesterday’s vote on Senate Republicans’ rushed, damaging version of Trumpcare, Sen. Murray urges open hearings, return to regular order to fix nation’s health care system

Sen. Murray: “The only reason to pass a bill cobbled together last-minute on the floor is to keep the extreme conservative dream of repealing Trumpcare alive—no matter what that means for patients and families.”


(Washington, D.C.)  – On the heels of Senate Republicans’ vote to begin debate on their partisan Trumpcare plan, today Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, took to the Senate floor to urge Republicans to stop trying to jam through their failed Trumpcare plan that would gut Medicaid, put insurance companies back in charge of peoples’ care, and more, and instead work with Democrats on real solutions to fix our health care system.

Watch Sen. Murray’s floor speech HERE.

Full text of Sen. Murray’s floor speech:

M. President, I hope that all Senators in this chamber took the time to listen to the very wise words from the Senator from Virginia on the fact that we are facing real issues in this country…

…and that when we work together and go through the regular process of committee hearings and no secret negotiations and back-room deals, that we can lead this country in the way it should be led.

And I thank him for coming out on the floor and reminding us that that is how we get things done in a way that America accepts it.

But we’re not here having had committee hearings, or process, or anything.

We are here because of back-room deals that have brought us to this floor in a time that no one can accept the fact that all the proposals are a result, so far, of how many millions of people will lose insurance.

22 million, 15 million, 24 million—that’s what we’re drafting here, and that’s a terrible debate.

That’s not what we should be talking about, but that is the proposal we’re being offered.

And again, Democrats are here and we are not giving up, and we are going to fight any effort to pass Trumpcare until the last possible moment—because that will be the result.

We are going to speak out for families nationwide—children, parents, patients, those with disabilities, seniors—people who’ve called, tweeted, marched—so many who are worried and frankly scared right now.

Families who are being kept in the dark by my Republican colleagues…

And are being left to wonder what might happen to their health care, their financial security, and even their lives.

M. President, it is appalling that the majority of Republicans were willing to go along with this plan and move to begin debate, without even knowing what bill they would be debating.

But, last night, the vast majority of the Senate did something unusual—it showed just how much agreement there actually could be among us.

Fifty-seven Republicans and Democrats agreed to reject a full Trumpcare replacement bill…

And sent a message that we agree with Senator McCain that we should stop letting the “bombastic loudmouths” drive our work…

And instead, return to regular order and get back to work on policies that actually help the people we are here to represent.

M. President, I know there are responsible Republicans who disagree with the way Republican leaders have hidden their legislation from Democrats and the public throughout this process…

Who think that there should be an open, transparent process with both sides at the table…

And who want hearings and public debate rather than backroom deals and secret negotiations.

Well, I do as well. And I know many of my Democratic colleagues agree.

So now that it’s clear there is no absolutely path to full Trumpcare here—what is the reason for continuing this damaging, rushed, deeply partisan effort to jam just any bill through the Senate?

Together we can do much better than a rushed, lowest-common denominator bill that simply sends Trumpcare to conference with the House and gives the Freedom Caucus a blank check to gut Medicaid, put insurance companies back in charge of peoples’ care, and more.

Because let’s be clear—the only reason to pass a bill cobbled together last-minute on the floor is to keep the extreme conservative dream of repealing Trumpcare alive…

No matter what that means for patients and families.

I truly believe there is a way to get this done right—and it is to stop what Senate Republican leaders are doing right now—and start over.

So once again, I’m going to ask my Republican colleagues to drop this partisan effort and join us at the table.

Let’s work together to improve families’ health care like so many of us truly want to do.

My door is open, and I’m ready to get started.

Thank you and I yield the floor.
