State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Sen. Murray Pushes for Inclusion of Critical TIGER Program Investment in Transportation Bill

TIGER has awarded $4.1 billion supporting more than 340 innovative, multimodal projects, including 13 projects in Washington state


*Video of floor speech available upon request*


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) spoke on the Senate floor urging passage of her bipartisan amendment to invest in the successful TIGER discretionary grant program that has already brought millions of dollars to Washington state infrastructure projects.  Senator Murray offered the amendment to the DRIVE Act with cosponsors Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jack Reed (D-RI). The amendment would authorize the Secretary of Transportation to provide grants and Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loans to States, local governments, ports, and transit agencies for critical transportation projects throughout the country, provide $500 million in funding per fiscal year through the Highway Trust Fund, and allow for additional funding through the appropriations process.


Since Senator Murray created TIGER in 2009, the TIGER program has awarded $4.1 billion to 342 innovative, multimodal projects with $204 million going to 13 projects in Washington state. Past projects in Washington state that have been awarded funding under the program include the North Spokane Corridor in Spokane, the Mercer Corridor Redevelopment project in Seattle, the South Park Bridge Replacement in King County, the West Vancouver Freight Access project at the Port of Vancouver, improvements to I-5 to relieve congestion around Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and modernization of Terminal 46 at the Port of Seattle. The amendment is based on the TIGER Act introduced earlier this month, to read more click here.


Excerpts from Senator Murray’s remarks as prepared are below:


“… I’m proud to see such strong bipartisan support for the amendment we are offering today – 29 cosponsors in all –from BOTH sides of the aisle – to continue the popular competitive grant program known as TIGER.”


“…they represent exactly the type of investment our country should be making – addressing our nation’s short- and long-term transportation issues – while creating good-paying, American jobs, and working to grow our economy from the middle out, not the top down.”


“…in my home state of Washington, 204 million dollars has gone to 13 critical infrastructure projects across the state – from Seattle to Spokane to Vancouver.”


“… I hope even more of my colleagues will join me in boosting regional economies and improving our nation’s infrastructure – because this program is so important to state and local agencies, as they work to tackle the complex transportation needs of our communities.”


Senator Murray’s remarks as prepared are below:


“M. President, investing in our nation’s infrastructure is a critical part of broad-based and long-term economic growth. And it’s not a partisan issue either—Democrats and Republicans agree – that infrastructure investments get workers back on the job, help the economy grow in communities across the country, and make sure our transportation systems work in a 21st century economy.


“That is why I’m proud to see such strong bipartisan support for the amendment we are offering today – 29 cosponsors in all –from BOTH sides of the aisle – to continue the popular competitive grant program known as TIGER. TIGER grants have made an impact in every corner of this country.  And they represent exactly the type of investment our country should be making – addressing our nation’s short- and long-term transportation issues – while creating good-paying, American jobs, and working to grow our economy from the middle out, not the top down.


“We have all seen firsthand the difference the TIGER program can make in our states – so I fought to get this amendment included in the final transportation bill. Since its creation, TIGER has awarded $4.1 billion directly to communities -to support more than 340 innovative, multimodal projects in every state.


“For example, TIGER grants are increasing the flow of commerce and trade between Maine and New Hampshire because of improvements to the Memorial Bridge. In New Mexico, TIGER grants are being used to make critical safety improvements to a major trucking route –where the fatality rate had been more than three times the state average. And in my home state of Washington, 204 million dollars has gone to 13 critical infrastructure projects across the state – from Seattle to Spokane to Vancouver.


“Demand for TIGER funding is intense – applications always exceed the amount of funding available, sometimes by as much as twenty to one. It’s clear that we can and should be doing so much more to help communities carry out projects-that make our transportation systems safer and more efficient.


“Though we hit some unfortunate and unnecessary barriers in passing the TIGER amendment, I know Sens. Collins and Reed will continue fighting with me to support this critical program. And I hope even more of my colleagues will join me in boosting regional economies and improving our nation’s infrastructure – because this program is so important to state and local agencies, as they work to tackle the complex transportation needs of our communities.


“Thank you.”
