State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Sen. Murray on President Trump’s Updated Executive Order: Still Un-American and Will Not Make Us Safer

President Trump announces another executive order to replace order halted by a Seattle federal judge last month

Murray: “President Trump should work with us to focus on actually keeping our families safe, not on dangerous, divisive, and hateful actions that betray our American values”

Vows to keep fighting against hateful and divisive ban 

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) spoke out against President Donald Trump’s newly announced executive order to replace the executive order that was halted by a federal judge in Seattle, a decision that was then upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court.

“No matter how many games President Trump plays with the language of this executive order, it is clear that these attempts to slam the door on Muslim immigrants and refugees are un-American, they won’t make us any safer, and they are flat-out wrong. Millions of people across the country have stood up and made their voices heard to oppose this hateful and divisive ban in the weeks since President Trump first announced it—and we’re not going to give up now. President Trump should work with us to focus on actually keeping our families safe, not on dangerous, divisive, and hateful actions that betray our American values and would hurt women and children fleeing horrific violence across the world.”

Senator Murray strongly condemned President Trump’s original executive order on immigration announced in January, and met with a local family affected by the ban at Sea-Tac International Airport immediately after. Senator Murray co-sponsored two bills to block President Trump’s harmful ban on refugees, visitors, and immigrants. When the Ninth Circuit Court upheld a Seattle judge’s action to block the order, Sen. Murray called it “a victory for the millions of us in Washington state” who stood up and made their voices heard, calling the original executive order hateful, unconstitutional, and in no way reflecting our nation’s values. She also spoke on the Senate floor after the original executive order was announced, expressing deep concerns with the Trump administration’s policies, including the executive order.


