State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Sen. Murray Blasts House Republicans’ Latest Attack on Women’s Reproductive Rights as “Irresponsible & Out of Touch to a New Extreme” With Urgent Challenges Facing Country

In middle of recovery efforts in Puerto Rico, deadliest shooting in recent U.S. history—House Republicans expected to force vote today on bill to restrict women’s access to safe, legal abortion

Sen. Murray in remarks submitted for the record: “Exactly what women and families are rightly sick of—and it’s a waste of precious time”

“Not on my watch”—back in 2013, Sen. Murray and Democrats defeated similar attack on women’s health and rights—LINK

(Washington, D.C.) –  Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, submitted the following remarks for the record on H.R. 36, extreme House conservatives’ latest unconstitutional attempt to restrict women’s access to safe, legal abortion.

“This is a time for Congress to be focused on solutions—working together—and doing everything we can to help those who are suffering rebuild and recover. That’s why I could not be more disappointed at what is going on in the House of Representatives this afternoon…House Republican decision to prioritize politics right now—of all times—is irresponsible and out of touch to a new extreme. It’s exactly what women and families are rightly sick of—and it’s a waste of precious time…let me be clear: this bill is as dead on arrival in the Senate. Just like it was the last time Republicans tried to pander to their extreme base by playing this particular political game with women’s health.”

Full text below of Senator Murray’s remarks:

M. President—I think we can all agree that our country faces truly urgent challenges right now.

Natural disasters have devastated communities across our country.

Just yesterday, the deadliest shooting in recent U.S. history occurred in Las Vegas.

This is a time for Congress to be focused on solutions—working together—and doing everything we can to help those who are suffering rebuild and recover.

That’s why I could not be more disappointed at what is going on in the House of Representatives this afternoon.

M. President, is the House working on helping families who have lost their loved ones and livelihoods in Puerto Rico? No.

Are they answering the calls from moms and dads nationwide who want to know when Congress will finally act on gun control? No.

M. President—today, the House of Representatives has chosen to spend time doubling down on their tired, political playbook.

They’re going to vote—yet again—on another unconstitutional, harmful attack on women’s reproductive rights.

One that would allow politicians in Washington, D.C. to interfere with the most personal decisions a woman can make.

I believe, M. President, that there is never a good time for politicians to try to tell women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

But the House Republican decision to prioritize politics right now—of all times—is irresponsible and out of touch to a new extreme.

It’s exactly what women and families are rightly sick of—and it’s a waste of precious time.

Because M. President, let me be clear: this bill is dead on arrival in the Senate.

Just like it was the last time Republicans tried to pander to their extreme base by playing this particular political game with women’s health.

Democrats and women across the country will stand up and say “not on our watch.”

But M. President—I hope we don’t have to—because if there was ever a time to set aside harmful partisan ideology—it’s right now.

I hope Senate Republican leaders make the right choice—commit not to bring this extreme, harmful legislation up for a vote—and start sending a message to the people across the country looking to us for solutions that Congress is putting them first, not partisan politics.
