State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray’s Statement on Tax Cut Vote

Earlier today the Senate passed an irresponsible tax cut that will create huge federal deficits. Because of Senate Democrats, the bill will provide $20 billion in aid to the states including $199.1 in Medicaid support and $200.4 million in grants for Washington state. This assistance was neither included in the House version, nor requested by the President.

The tax cut passed the Senate 51-50.

Sen. Murray, who voted against the final bill, released the following statement:

“Today, by the slimmest of margins, the Senate passed an irresponsible tax cut for the few at a time when so many are hurting.

Our state has the second-highest unemployment rate, and one out of nine residents has no health care. Yet rather than putting people back to work, this tax cut provides little stimulus and gives big breaks to elite investors. This tax cut puts our priorities backwards.

The small consolation in the bill is the $20 billion in aid to the states that I was proud to have helped secure in the Senate. Senate Democrats insisted on this assistance which will result in millions of desperately needed dollars for Medicaid and grants for Washington state.”
