State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray to House Republicans: Stop Putting Extreme Ideology Over Economic Recovery

D.C.) Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following
statement in response to Speaker Boehner’s proposal to radically slash
government investments by $4 billion over two weeks.

‘new’ proposal is nothing more than a Trojan horse for the extreme and reckless
legislation recently passed by House Republicans.

Democrats rejected that proposal because it would pull the rug out from our
economic recovery and devastate millions of families and small business owners
across the country. And we reject this one because our economy can’t afford the
drastic shock that independent analysts have predicted the Republicans’ budget
would impose, no matter how briefly it may last.

am deeply disappointed that after coming into office promising to create jobs
and help the economy, House Republicans have consistently put their
anti-government ideology ahead of common sense. Any small business owner will
tell you that no matter how tough it is out there, you never cut the
investments that are going to allow you to compete and prosper once the crisis

have agreed to billions of dollars of responsible cuts, and we are willing to
work with Republicans to find even more ways to rein in the deficit. But what
we will not do is allow Republicans to put politics and ideology above the
workers, families, students, and small business owners who are counting on us
to get our economy back on track.

urge Speaker Boehner to come to the table and have a real conversation with us
about getting our economy back on track while cutting spending.”
