State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Supports Compromise to Extend Internet Access Taxes Moratorium for Another Four Years

With the support of Senator Patty Murray, the U.S. Senate today passed the Internet Tax Bill, legislation extending the moratorium on Internet access taxes for another four years. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 93-3 and now moves to a conference with the bill passed by the House of Representatives.

“Taxing access to the Internet can only hurt further innovation and growth of this economic engine,” Senator Murray said. “Many rural and underserved communities have not experienced the benefits of the information age and new, burdensome taxes on the Internet will only slow down the introduction of this essential technology to their areas.”

The bill, a compromise sponsored by Senator John McCain, would extend the ban on Internet access taxes for another four years. Senator Murray voted for the moratorium in 1998 and 2001 that sought to ensure that burdensome taxes weren’t leaved on the Internet. That moratorium ended late last year.
