State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Statement on the Nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court

General Elena Kagan has a strong legal background both inside and outside of
government and is unquestionably a highly qualified choice for the Supreme
Court.  She has been selected to fill the seat of Justice John Paul Stevens,
whose lifetime of public service, commitment to the law, and independent
judgment have set a truly high standard for the court.

Dean of Harvard Law School and Solicitor General of the United States, she has
demonstrated a consistent ability to forge consensus and work with people
across ideological and party lines. And as the first woman to hold each of
these positions, she has served as an example to girls across the country.

will evaluate Elena Kagan’s nomination based on the same standards I use for
all judicial appointments.   Is she ethical, honest and
qualified?  Will she be evenhanded, fair, and independent; and will she
uphold our rights and liberties? 

want to know that when an individual comes before the Court, that he or she will
receive a fair hearing and that justice will be rendered according to the law.
This is especially important to me in the wake of the Court’s recent Citizens
ruling that undid a century of work to ensure that the voices
of individual voters are not drowned out by special interests.

Justice Stevens’ seat is an opportunity to have a spirited and respectful
debate about what kind of Supreme Court our country needs. Will it be a court
that understands that struggles and concerns of families in Washington state
and across the country? Or will it be one that believes that the voices of
corporations and special interests should drown out the voices of ordinary

look forward to a swift, reasoned and respectful discussion of Elena Kagan’s
qualifications, experience, and expertise.”
