State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Statement on Locke Nomination

D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following
statement after President Obama announced that he has nominated Secretary of
Commerce Gary Locke to be Ambassador to China.

“I am very excited that President
Obama has nominated Gary Locke to be the next U.S. Ambassador to China. He has
been an outstanding Secretary of Commerce and those of us from Washington state
know how hard he has worked over the course of his career for our state and

“As Chair of the U.S.-China
Interparliamentary Group, I understand the many ways our relationship with and
policies toward China impact the lives and livelihoods of families and
businesses in Washington state and across the country. 

“Making sure this partnership
continues to work for both our nations is absolutely critical to ensuring our
ability to compete and succeed in the 21st century global economy. I
am confident that Gary has the skills and experience required to get the job

“Washington state is the most
trade-dependent state in the nation and China is our most important trading
partner.  Gary knows this well and that’s why, as Governor, he worked with
Asian leaders to open up markets for Washington state products. And as Governor
during Washington’s tech boom, he understands what innovative companies need to
succeed at home and across the world.  He understands what businesses
large and small need to create jobs, and throughout his career he has fought to
make sure they had the support to succeed.

is a passionate and outspoken advocate for our country, our families, and our
values. I look forward to his Senate confirmation and working with him to
ensure our nation’s relationship with China helps our economy, businesses, and
farmers in Washington state.”
