State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Statement in Response to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

Murray: “I’m going to continue speaking out against the President’s politics of division and making the case for policies that will truly make a difference for our state and the country” 

ICYMI: Murray brought Vancouver resident as State of the Union guest to help highlight Trump-Pence Administration attacks on reproductive health care

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) issued the following statement following the President’s State of the Union address to Congress.

“We face enormous challenges as a nation, from making sure everyone can get the health care they need—including reproductive health care—to affordable, secure housing, to the climate crisis, to ensuring workers are paid and treated fairly, to making higher education affordable—as well as complex and pressing national security concerns and so much more. 

“To tackle these challenges, our country needs a president who will help us listen to each other rather than tear us apart and who will put the country’s best interests ahead of their own. We need someone who will help us work together. 

“Unfortunately, what we heard from President Trump tonight was more blunder and broken promises. I’m going to continue speaking out against the President’s politics of division and making the case for policies that will truly make a difference for our state and the country.”

