State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Shepherds Washington State Funding Through Senate

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, the United States Senate adopted the Omnibus Appropriations bill, which provides critical federal dollars for seven fiscal year 2004 spending bills–including over $370 million in federal funds for Washington state. Senator Murray joined with Democrats and Republicans to break a filibuster and approve the final appropriations measure for the fiscal year which began nearly four months ago. The Omnibus will now go to the White House for the President’s certain approval.

Senator Murray today released the following statement:

“Today–four months and two days past due–jobs and money are finally on their way to Washington state. Like many of my colleagues, I had serious reservations about several provisions in this Omnibus Appropriations bill. But I know what’s at stake here and it is time to move on.

I voted twice this week to move ahead and fund our federal responsibility to education, health care, job training and our veterans. And with $245 million in transportation funds that I secured, I know this bill will help our state as we seek to move forward with job creation and economic development.

The fight to overturn the attack on overtime is not over. The fight to enact strong legislation to protect our consumers and ranchers from unanswered questions over food safety will continue. I remain committed to the issues that are important to our state – worker rights, accessible health care and education, job creation and a strong economy.

We still have much work to do, but today we can know with certainty that our state’s economy, schools and health care have the funds and stability they need to move forward.”
