(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – In the face of $10 billion in cuts to the eleven appropriations
bills passed by the Senate last year, Senator Patty Murray today announced that she has
successfully protected funding for Washington state’s key transportation priorities in the
Omnibus Appropriations bill. The full Senate passed the Omnibus bill 69-29.
Working with her Republican counterpart on the Transportation Appropriations
Subcommittee, Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Murray retained the funding levels for
Washington state projects that she had previously secured in the Senate’s fiscal year (FY)
2003 Transportation spending bill.
“Working in a bipartisan fashion, and facing cuts across the board, I am pleased to have
maintained federal funding for Washington state’s urgent transportation needs,” Senator
Murray said. “This federal support will help ease congestion and improve safety by
investing in public transportation, highways and other critical transportation infrastructure
across Washington state.”
In addition to the earmarked funding, Washington state will also receive hundreds of
millions of dollars in federal highway and transit formula funding. Washington state will
receive $503.6 million in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grants and $101
million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants to address transportation issues
throughout the state.
“Our national and regional economy is hurting, but cutting funding for key transportation
projects would only do more damage. We must do all that we can to keep jobs and
businesses in Washington state,” Murray continued.
Friday Harbor Ferry Terminal Preservation ($2 million)
This project will replace old, environmentally harmful, creosote treated timber pile dolphins
and wing-walls with concrete and steel technology. The new steel pipe pile technology has
proven to be far more durable and has documented history of reducing terminal slip
casualties in the event of a hard landing.
I-5, SR 542 – Widening Sunset Drive Orleans to Britton Road ($2 million)
These funds will be used to design and widen Sunset Drive, and overcrowded rural,
two-lane highway in Bellingham
Central Avenue Pedestrian Corridor-Prospect Street to the Waterfront ($250,000)
This funding will help complete the final phase of the Pedestrian Corridor by Supporting
efforts to connect the Hillclimb and Amphitheater to the Civic Center.
Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor Rail Safety Improvement Projects ($1.5 million)
This project will improve the high speed rail linking Eugene, Oregon, Portland, Seattle,
Washington, and British Columbia.
Seattle-Everett Rail Corridor Study($750,000)
Funding to conduct a study of track capacity and utilization by freight, commuter and
intercity rail services in the Seattle-Everett Rail Corridor and the environmental challenges
that would accompany expansion of that track capacity. Will help bring Sounder
Commuter Rail North as soon as possible.
Small Bus Systems Grant – Island Transit ($288,000)
This funding will help replace 18 Island Transit vanpool vans.
Mount Vernon Multi-Modal Facility ($1.16 million)
This project will upgrade the current multi-modal facility to alleviate congestion.
Cattle Point Road ($350,000)
Unrelenting erosion threatens the portion of Cattle Point road that rests on an unstable bluff
of sand and gravel and it is estimated that in 5-10 years the sea will claim the cliff on which
the road now runs. The former owner deeded this road to the county, before the
surrounding land was acquired by San Juan County National Historical Park. Currently
San Juan County is working on an Environmental Impact Statement. This project will assist
the county in their efforts.
Paine Field Air Traffic Control Improvements ($925,000)
Makes improvements to Paine Field’s air traffic control system.
Whatcom County Multi-Jurisdictional Criminal Justice Data Integration Project
This will enable Whatcom County law enforcement officials to share data and information
with appropriate justice agencies within the country and across the state
Lummi Tribe, Semiahmah Memorial and Coast Salish Heritage Park ($90,000)
The Tribe will use the funding to complete initial plans and begin implementing
development of the Semiahmah Memorial and the Coast Salish Heritage Park. During
expansion of the City of Blaine’s wastewater treatment facility, a tribal burial ground was
desecrated and human remains transported across state lines. The Lummi Tribe and other
local partners are now working together to restore and enhance the tribal burial grounds.
Northwest Straits Commission ($1,245,000)
Senator Murray and former Rep. Metcalf created the Northwest Straits Commission with
legislation in 1998 in response to growing concerns about the declining health of marine
ecosystems in the Northwest region of the state. This grassroots effort involves
representatives from county, tribal, state and federal governments, non-profit organizations
and volunteers who are working together to protect and restore marine resources in
northern Puget Sound.
Island County – Deer Lagoon ($600,000)
This funding will allow Island County to purchase the 379-acre Deer Lagoon property on
Whidbey Island. The appropriation will fund needed the purchase of undeveloped wetland
property which provides habitat for wildlife, including 170 species of resident and
migratory birds. Island County plans to protect the land and create a park for public
enjoyment and recreation.