State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Presses Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen on Progress and Accountability in Afghanistan

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(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray
(D-WA) questioned Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen on progress in Afghanistan.

“Many of our Fort
Lewis soldiers are out on the front line and we are concerned about increasing
fatalities.  Furthermore, gains in Marjah have not been solidified. 
Can you give us any assurances?”
Senator Murray asked during the

Secretary Gates responded to Senator Murray’s question by
saying that they had predicted increased casualties for the summer, describing
the casualties as “tragic yet inevitable.”

Mullen said that progress in Afghanistan has been slow, but steady, citing
increases in schools and local Afghan government employees as signs that were
moving in the right direction. 
