State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Makes Olympic Peninsula Projects a Priority in Federal Spending Bill

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced critical federal funding for Olympic Peninsula priorities in the fiscal year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill. 

Due to the threat of Presidential vetoes of America’s domestic spending priorities, Congress combined several appropriations bills into one large “Omnibus bill,” which should pass both houses this week.  The Omnibus package contains critical funding for national needs like transportation, homeland security, education, labor and health.

"This federal support is the seed money that helps our communities grow," said Senator Murray. "I am proud to have helped steer this funding to community-supported projects here at home.  I work everyday to ensure that even though our state’s residents are 2,500 miles from D.C., their needs are up-front and center. At a time when domestic and local needs are too often being neglected, these worthy projects are getting the support they deserve."

This spending bill is expected to be cleared by the U.S. House of Representatives tonight and sent to the Senate tomorrow.

Below are the projects included for the Olympic Peninsula. They are separated by project type:

Transportation Projects

Northwest Maritime Center — $441,000

This funding will support the efforts of the city of Port Townsend and the Northwest Maritime Center to redevelop the former Thomas Oil Brownfield site.  This initiative is aimed at revitalizing Port Townsend’s National Landmark Historic District and creating new economic, tourist, educational, and recreational opportunities.  Senator Murray has previously secured $250,000 for this project.

Port Angeles International Gateway Project — $343,000

The funding secured by Senator Murray for Clallam Transit will help support the development of a multi-modal facility, public plaza, visitor center, park and ride and parking facility in downtown Port Angeles. This facility will be the downtown hub for transit buses, taxis, bicyclists, pedestrians, ferry passengers, and tourists. Senator Murray has previously secured more than $4 million for this project.

Clallam Co., Olympic Discovery Trail Elwha River Pedestrian Bridge — $563,500

This funding will support the pedestrian crossing component of a new bridge across the Elwha River in Clallam County.  The pedestrian crossing will be below the deck of a new highway bridge connecting the historic crossing of the 1915 Seattle and North Coast Railway to US-101.  The pedestrian bridge will provide a link between the eastern and western halves of the Olympic Discovery Trail.

Lower Elwha River Restoration – $446,500

The funding Senator Murray provided is to be used on projects that will complement the removal of two dams along the Elwha River. Restoration projects that will be funded include the removal of unnecessary floodplain dikes, additions of large woody debris as constructed logjams, correction of fish passage barriers, and riparian forest improvements. 

Jefferson Transit Vehicle Replacement — $343,000

This funding will enable Jefferson Transit to purchase 3 new vehicles to support rural mobility needs.

Mason Transit Vehicle Replacement — $274,400

This funding will allow Mason Transit to purchase new vehicles to support rural mobility needs.

Clallam Transit Vehicle Replacement — $192,080

This funding will enable Clallam Transit to purchase new vehicles to support rural mobility needs. Senator Murray secured $400,000 for Clallam Transit in previous years.
