State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Launches Health Care Reform Resource Center

Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) unveiled her “Health Care Reform Resource Center,” an online portal to help Washington state residents prepare for the upcoming implementation of the Affordable Care Act, including open enrollment of the Health Insurance Marketplace. The tools and resources available, in conjunction with, will help constituents understand their choices and select the coverage that best suits their needs when open enrollment in the new Health Insurance Marketplace begins October 1, 2013. The website also highlights some of the benefits of the law, already improving the lives of consumers across America.

“Ensuring that everyone can have access to quality, affordable health care is one of the most critical challenges facing our nation,” said Senator Murray.  “For three years, Washingtonians have benefited from better access and a health care system that is working for them and not just for those who can afford it. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to improve health care quality and coverage for all Washingtonians and all Americans as we implement the Affordable Care Act.”

Visitors to the “Health Care Reform Resource Center” will have access to information on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act including: 

–          Creating Affordable Health Insurance Marketplaces

–          Assistance for Small Business

–          Expanding Coverage for Young Adults

–          Making Rx Drugs Affordable for Seniors

–          Covering Preventive Services with No Deductible or Co-pay

–          Removing Lifetime Limits on Health Benefits

–          Creating New Coverage Options for People with Pre-existing Conditions

–          Providing a Better Value for Your Premium Dollar

–          Scrutinizing Unreasonable Premium Increases

–          Preventing Illness and Promoting Health

–          Increasing Support for Community Health Centers

–          Full Health Care Reform Law
