
Murray Keeps Spotlight On Republicans’ Extreme Attacks On Abortion, Highlights Lawsuit Threatening Access to Medication Abortion Nationwide

Extreme lawsuit in Texas could block access nationwide to safe, effective medication abortion pill used in over half of abortions

67 Republicans in Congress and 22 Republican Attorneys General have filed briefs supporting lawsuit to ban mifepristone

Murray: “This lawsuit isn’t about science—it’s about ideology. It is not about protecting women—it’s about controlling their bodies.”

*** WATCH: Senator Murray’s floor remarks***

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), took to the Senate floor to continue raising the alarm about extreme Republican attacks on reproductive rights—including extreme abortion bans, bills to stop people from traveling for abortion and to allow patients to be prosecuted, and lawsuits focused on undermining abortion care nationwide. In particular, Senator Murray put a spotlight on the dire stakes of an extreme lawsuit brought by a far right group in Texas—which could block access to mifepristone nationwide, undermining medication abortion for patients everywhere, even in states with strong abortion protections like Washington.

“I come to the floor today to continue raising the alarm about how extreme Republicans’ ongoing attacks on reproductive rights are putting women’s lives at risk, trampling the will of the American people—who supported the right to abortion everywhere it was on the ballot last November—and even undermining care for patients in states like mine, which have strong abortion protections,” said Senator Murray.

“In this lawsuit, these far right extremists, are asking one district judge, to overrule FDA’s experts and rulemaking authority to undermine health care for patients nationwide by declaring a drug that was approved over 20 years ago as unsafe,” Senator Murray continued. “Mifepristone is safe and effective for ending a pregnancy during the first ten weeks. The FDA determined that decades ago. The science is done. The results are in—they have been for over 20 years. Mifepristone is safe. So this lawsuit isn’t about science—it’s about ideology. It is not about protecting women—it’s about controlling their bodies.”

Mifepristone was approved by the FDA nearly 20 years ago—and significant scientific evidence, research, and clinical experience has affirmed that medication abortion is safe and effective. Medication abortion is used in over half of abortions, and blocking patients from it would have severely damaging repercussions in terms of limiting access to abortion, particularly when abortion clinics and providers are already stretched thin by the challenge of caring for an influx of patients from states where abortion has been banned or restricted.

“Abortion providers in states like mine are already overworked, overbooked, and just totally overwhelmed with patients who have had to wait weeks and travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion because of Republican bans. And this lawsuit could make things so much worse. Mifepristone is used in over half of abortions. Taking this drug away would mean fewer options for women, longer waits for people seeking care, more stress for patients and providers, and more chaos for a health care system Republicans have already put in crisis. It is cruel, and utterly unnecessary—there is no reason for this,” said Senator Murray.

Senator Murray’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

“I come to the floor today, to continue raising the alarm about how extreme Republicans’ ongoing attacks on reproductive rights are putting women’s lives at risk, trampling the will of the American people—who supported the right to abortion everywhere it was on the ballot last November—and even undermining care for patients in states like mine, which have strong abortion protections.

“In fact, right now, a truly extreme lawsuit—which some far right Republicans in Congress just filed a brief supporting—is seeking to overturn the FDA’s long-standing approval of a safe and effective medication used in abortion care.

“This suit could cause chaos nationwide and rip abortion medication away from patients in every state, potentially even my constituents back in Washington state.

“M. President, I have been clear—the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year was not the end of the fight to protect reproductive rights. Unfortunately, it was just the starting gun for even more extreme attacks from far right Republicans.

“We’ve already seen 14 extreme state abortion bans go into effect, from bans that set bounties for information about anyone that gets an abortion or helps provide one, to bans that even lack exceptions for rape ,incest, and the life and wellbeing of moms.

“Some states are even passing new bans to try and get around state courts that blocked their first one, or laws to get around the fact their own constituents backed the right to abortion in a statewide vote last year. 

“Here in Congress, we saw Senate Republicans introduce a national abortion ban last year, and it was one of the first things the Republican House voted on this year. And, we are still seeing new, appalling proposals from extreme Republicans across the country.

“While Republicans here in Congress blocked our bill to make sure doctors can’t be jailed for providing an abortion, Republican state legislators have drafted bills to make sure women can be prosecuted for getting abortions.

“While Republicans in Congress blocked our bill to protect the right to travel across state lines for an abortion, state lawmakers have bills to stop employers from helping employees travel for abortion.

“And right next door to my home state, there’s a bill in Idaho that could lead to parents and grandparents being charged with ‘human trafficking’ for helping a minor travel out of state so they can get an abortion. That is just appalling.

“Republican politicians have investigated a doctor for providing care to a child who was raped. They have proposed funding to jail people for abortions. They have talked about using existing child endangerment laws to prosecute women who use abortion pills. They have made it harder for patients to get birth control and even the treatments they need for life-threatening illnesses like cancer.

“And there are Republican Attorneys General suing right now, because the Biden Administration told pharmacists they can’t discriminate against pregnant patients, and because the Administration reminded care providers that when a woman’s life is at stake—they are required by federal law to provide necessary care, and that includes abortion.

“And then, there is the case I mentioned earlier, where a far right group is trying to ban mifepristone—an important abortion medication—nationwide.

“And I do mean all across the country—including Washington state, and every state that has strong protections for abortion,

“And 22 Republican Attorneys General and 67 Republicans here in Congress—have filed briefs in support of this outlandish lawsuit.

“Let’s be really clear about what exactly is going on here: In this lawsuit, these far right extremists, are asking one district judge, to overrule FDA’s experts and rulemaking authority to undermine health care for patients nationwide by declaring a drug that was approved over 20 years ago as unsafe. Which, let’s set the record straight right now—because there has been so much misinformation on this, including from Republican members of Congress—mifepristone is safe and effective for ending a pregnancy during the first ten weeks. The FDA determined that decades ago. The science is done. The results are in—they have been for over 20 years. Mifepristone is safe.

“So this lawsuit isn’t about science—it’s about ideology. It is not about protecting women—it’s about controlling their bodies.

“Now, the reality of what extreme Republicans have already caused with their abhorrent bans is a nightmare.

“Because of Republican bans, women facing miscarriages have already been unable to get the care they need for days on end. They’ve already been left bleeding, left getting sicker, and sicker, left pleading for help.

“Doctors are already being forced to compromise medical care, leave patients in pain, and even forgo providing life-saving care—because they fear far right politicians will jail them for doing their jobs.

“And abortion providers in states like mine are already overworked, overbooked, and just totally overwhelmed with patients who have had to wait weeks and travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion because of Republican bans.

“And this lawsuit could make things so much worse. Mifepristone—is used in over half of abortions.

“Taking this drug away would mean fewer options for women, longer waits for people seeking care, more stress for patients and providers, and more chaos for a health care system Republicans have already put in crisis. It is cruel, and utterly unnecessary—there is no reason for this.

“And you don’t have to take my word for it—just listen to doctors, listen to patients, listen to women. Because that is exactly what I have been doing—and I am not going to stop.

“I am going to continue making sure their stories are being heard—especially when they are hard stories to hear because we will not be quiet!

“I am going to continue being their voice in the U.S. Senate.

“I am going to keep putting a spotlight on their concerns, and on threats to their health like extreme abortion bans, and ideological abortion lawsuits.

“I’m going to keep raising the alarm, fighting to pass commonsense legislation to protect our rights, being a firewall against extreme Republican attacks on abortion, and working to build the support we need to restore Roe once and for all.”

