State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Calls for Removal of President Trump from Office Under 25th Amendment

Murray:  “The most immediate way to ensure the President is prevented from causing further harm in coming days is to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office. As history watches, I urge Vice President Pence and the President’s cabinet to put country before party and act.”

 – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) issued the following statement on Congress resuming its constitutional duty to certify the election after a violent mob of President Trump’s supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol, calling for the 25th amendment to be invoked immediately to prevent President Trump from inciting further harm in the days ahead.

“Congress is continuing the process of certifying the election, but only after a day of chaos and violent extremism in the Capitol where some of our worst fears about the harm this President is willing to incite were realized. 

“We need questions answered about the profound breakdown in security and the stark difference in the treatment of this violent mob compared to legions of women, people with disabilities, members of the clergy, and activists of color who have peacefully protested in and around the Capitol complex. 

“The insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol today should be held fully accountable for their actions under the law. So should the President. The most immediate way to ensure the President is prevented from causing further harm in coming days is to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office. As history watches, I urge Vice President Pence and the President’s cabinet to put country before party and act.  

“To families in Washington state and nationwide, please know that as frightening as this has been, there is reason for hope because of your participation in the very same processes the President is seeking to undermine. Because of you, we will soon have a President and Senate determined to protect and strengthen rather than jeopardize our democratic institutions. Continue to have faith in yourselves, each other, and our democracy, and we will get through this together.”


