State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

U.S. Senator Patty Murray’s Statement on the Retirement of Congressman Doc Hastings

“Central Washington will lose a dedicated public servant and a tireless advocate for his district when Doc Hastings retires at the end of this Congress. It’s been my privilege to work hand-in-hand with him to help honor our country’s commitment to Central Washington’s past and to help build its bright future. I am particularly grateful to have been able to work with Doc on ensuring the federal government lives up to its responsibility to clean up Hanford. I always knew that we had each other’s back over the years when it came time to showing either the new Republican or Democrat in the White House that Hanford cleanup demanded their attention and that we were going to hold them accountable. I’m sure Doc will continue fighting for Central Washington until his very last day in office but I also wish him well in all that awaits him. I have no doubt that he will enjoy a well-earned retirement along the banks of the Columbia with his wife, children, and eight grandchildren.”