
Senator Murray Statement on Senate Passage of Resolution Standing with Israel Against Terrorism

ICYMI: Senator Murray Affirms Unwavering Support for Israel, Condemns Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Senator Murray: “I remain deeply concerned for the safety of innocent civilians, including the nearly two million Palestinians who are caught in the bombardment of the Gaza strip. The Israeli government must do everything in its power to protect innocent civilians in Gaza—that has to be a top priority.”

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement following Senate passage of Senate Resolution 417, “Standing with Israel against terrorism,” which she cosponsored. The resolution passed the Senate 97-0.

“October 7th was one of the darkest days in modern history for the Jewish people—not only for Jews living in Israel, but also those halfway across the world in Washington state. I remain in close contact with Jewish leaders and community members in our state and my heart is with everyone who is mourning the innocent lives lost and waiting with dread to hear the fate of those who are still missing.

“Hamas is an antisemitic and genocidal terrorist group that does not in any way represent the very real and important aspirations of the Palestinian people. The grotesque acts of torture, murder, and terror that Hamas carried out against innocent Israeli civilians should be universally condemned. Like any nation, Israel has the right to defend itself and its people, and I am working with my colleagues in Congress to make sure Israel has what it needs to fight back against terrorism and protect its civilians.

“I remain deeply concerned for the safety of innocent civilians, including the nearly two million Palestinians who are caught in the bombardment of the Gaza strip. The Israeli government must do everything in its power to protect innocent civilians in Gaza—that has to be a top priority. I know the Biden administration continues to raise urgent humanitarian concerns—I will continue pressing to ensure this remains at the forefront of every conversation with Israeli leaders.”

The Senate resolution reads in part: “Be it Resolved, That the Senate— (1) stands with Israel as it defends itself, including Israeli efforts to diminish the threat posed by Hamas; (2) reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense, and is committed to helping Israel safeguard its people from future aggression; (3) calls on all countries to unequivocally condemn Hamas’ war on Israel, including Hamas’ intentional targeting of, and attacks against, civilians; (4) demands that Hamas immediately cease its attacks against Israel and safely release all living hostages and return the bodies of deceased hostages; (5) condemns Iran’s support for global terrorism, including its support for terrorist groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad; (6) calls on the United States to lead an international effort, including through sanctions, to deprive Hamas of Iranian and other sources of funding and lethal assistance that the terror group relies on to threaten Israel; (7) warns against any other party hostile to Israel taking advantage of the current situation; (8) reaffirms the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security; and (9) stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply or other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support needs, both during the immediate crisis and in the near future, including by accelerating delivery of defense articles and systems Nothing in this resolution may be construed as a declaration of war or an authorization for the use of military force.”

El texto completo de la resolución está disponible. AQUÍ.

