
Senator Murray Highlights Stories of WA Businesses, Farms, Organizations Harmed by Trump’s Illegal Funding Freezes Ahead of Joint Address

Murray has been a leading voice calling out the Trump administration for illegally freezing hundreds of billions of dollars owed to communities across the country, including hundreds of millions of dollars for Washington state


Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, held a virtual press conference with businesses and organizations across Washington state—from Bremerton, to Skagit County, to Vancouver, to Okanogan—who are being harmed by Trump’s ongoing illegal freezes on vast swaths of federal funding owed to Washington state and communities across the country, putting critical projects, jobs, and entire businesses at risk. Senator Murray has been raising los alarm nonstop and working to get out information on what Trump’s illegal funding freezes mean for people across the country since his Day One Executive Orders went into effect—these illegal Executive Orders are right now blocking hundreds of billions of dollars in funding from going out the door.

Joining Senator Murray for the press conference today were: Michael Frazier, Executive Director of Viva Farms in Skagit County; Rena Shawver, Executive Director of Okanogan County Community Action Council in Okanogan; Richard Schwarz, the CEO of Safe Boats in Bremerton; and Greg Franks, President of Manor Management Services, the management agency for Smith Tower in Vancouver. All four speakers represent businesses and organizations that have had federal funding they are owed frozen, cut off, or thrown into uncertainty because of the illegal actions of this administration.

Ahead of President Trump’s Joint Address to Congress, Senator Murray is lifting up the stories of real people in Washington state who are being hurt by Donald Trump’s reckless and illegal moves—from his indiscriminate mass firings across the federal workforce that will undermine services we all rely on and put lives at risk, to his illegal funding freezes that are seriously harming businesses and organizations across Washington state and putting them in financial jeopardy. Senator Murray’s statement on why she won’t be attending the Joint Address tonight is AQUÍ.

“Despite what we may hear later tonight—the true state of our union is that Musk and Trump have ground it to a halt, by blocking important funding in total disregard of the law and total lack of concern over how their actions put American jobs at risk,” Senator Murray said on the press call today. “You won’t hear that from Trump tonight. But I can tell you—we are hearing it at my office, where the phones are still ringing off the hook with calls from business owners, farmers, workers, cities, Tribes, nonprofits, and so many other people who are seeing what this funding freeze means for the work they do, for the people they serve, and are desperate to raise the alarm. Trump and Musk may not want to hear about the damage they are causing—but I am not going to let them ignore it.”

“Viva Farms is a Skagit and King County based nonprofit farm-business training organization and incubator farm with a 15-year history of success growing the next generation of farmers. Our main focus is economic development: supporting farmers on their path to viability while supporting the larger food and agricultural economy. And, as a training program, we are concerned with the next generation of farmers; who will grow our food for the future? Including Viva’s Team, dozens of farm owners and their employees, over 100 people earn their livelihoods directly through our work, and all of this is at risk because of the current funding freeze,” said Michael Frazier, Executive Director of Viva Farms, based in Skagit County. Right now, because of Trump’s Executive Orders and subsequent actions to recall contracted federal funding, Viva Farms’ future is uncertain—they are unable to access a total of about $5 million awarded, multi-year federal grants, $1 million of which was to be spent this year. The loss of these funds could be catastrophic to the future of Viva Farms and many of the farmers they serve.

“Rural safety net programs for disaster relief, emergency assistance for basic needs, and job support are essential to the economic health of our entire community. The kind of programming that will run out of these facilities provide a safety net for working families and people in crisis. We hope to see the funding for these resiliency hubs come through soon,” said Rena Shawver, Executive Director of Okanogan County Community Action Council (OCCAC) in Okanogan, which supports working families and low-income residents with lifeline emergency services that help them get back on their feet. Right now, Trump’s Day One Executive Orders are blocking a $20 million Community Change Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for OCCAC from moving forward—this funding will create a Food Hub to store the county’s food for assistance programs, and a multipurpose Community Center in Omak that would house job-training, daycare, energy assistance, and other programs to help the community become more resilient to the effects of poverty and disasters. The award was Anunciado in December 2024 and the facility has been in design and development for over a decade. EPA was working on the contract with OCCAC for the funds when the freeze occurred; OCCAC now has not heard from the EPA since January 24th.

"We design and manufacture aluminum boats for coast guards, militaries, first responders. We’re a 100 percent employee-owned small business… Following the Executive Order that paused foreign assistance programs, we received stop work orders for all of our foreign military and security cooperation contracts that were issued through the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL). The majority of those boats were already in production and partially completed. Then we received additional stop work orders for the Mark VI patrol boats that we’re currently building for Ukraine, as well as for all the weapons systems for the Island-class Coast Guard cutters that are being refurbished for Ukraine by another shipyard. The Ukraine contract was stopped even though we have four boats completely done, two more in production, and have ordered most of the long lead materials for the remaining two. And now we’re being asked questions that lead us to at least fear that it’s possible that that contract could be cancelled in its entirety… In total, about 90 employees out of our total of 300 have been affected by these stop work orders. And then probably the most serious immediate concern is that late last month, we were also notified that we were not going to be paid for the work that we had completed on these programs—our invoices were issued after the Executive Order, but prior to the stop work orders on these contracts. That policy affects several millions of dollars worth of invoices and is clearly contrary to the terms of our contracts,” said Richard Schwarz, CEO of Bremerton-based Safe Boats International. SAFE Boats’ operations have been significantly disrupted since Trump took office—the company was told to stop building ships for partnered countries and wait for a 90-day review before it can restore the manufacturing or before contracts are canceled. Six SAFE Boats contracts awarded by the Navy, State Department, and Coast Guard have been placed on hold.

“After nearly 60 years of local organized labor leaders coming together and providing 170 affordable rental homes in Vancouver, Washington, to low- and extremely-low-income seniors, Smith Tower is in need of improvements to preserve the affordability and the structure for the next 60 years or more. Our government must ensure the predictable and timely delivery of funding commitments already made by HUD and EPA in order to avoid additional costs which could derail the project entirely and put at risk the stability and safety of these seniors’ homes and hundreds of jobs,” said Greg Franks, President of Manor Management Services, the management agency for Smith Tower in Vancouver, Washington. Smith Tower was awarded a $10 million loan through HUD’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program in 2024, as well as an $11.5 million loan from EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund—this funding, although already awarded, is currently frozen by the Trump administration and at risk.

Senator Murray’s full remarks, as delivered on today’s press call, are below and video is AQUÍ:

“Thank you so much for coming on today and sharing your stories; it is so important that people hear what is happening to all of you.

“As we all know, President Trump is coming to Congress tonight to give what is called the State of the Union, but I don’t think it’s right to call it a State of the Union because he’s going to be really ignoring the state of emergency that he and Elon have created through a very reckless and illegal funding freeze, and massive cuts.

“We have seen Trump put on this show before, and he is going to blow by the facts and reality of the harm that’s been caused, regardless of what’s actually happening—regardless of what’s actually happening, he’ll probably say that the state of the union is strong.

“Maybe for billionaires like him and Elon Musk—but I will tell you, for families across the country, for our small businesses, for our farms and people in Washington state who are just trying to get by, he has made life harder and made things a lot worse.

“He gave the richest man in the world the keys to the kingdom. And now, they’re cutting off funding that Congress, all of us, passed—and they’re doing it left and right.

“This is not making us safer. It is not making us stronger. It’s causing chaos, and it is costing us jobs.

“The illegal funding freeze is choking off funding for infrastructure and energy projects, investments to lower people’s electric bills.

“It is grinding cancer research to a halt, as researchers now are being cut off from the funds that they need to do things like replenish their basic lab supplies.

“It is putting our family farms and businesses in jeopardy, as farmers who took steps like installing solar panels, or upgrading their greenhouses—helping them save money while counting on federal assistance they were promised—they’re suddenly being stiffed by the billionaires who are now running the government.

“The freeze is hurting our forests and our parks. It is endangering our families, as groups like the Northwest Youth Corp have to suspend their crews and interns because their funds have been frozen—even funds for work they had already completed!

“It is hurting organizations like Safe Boats, which you will hear from in a minute. And they do the work that is critical to our national security—they will tell you about that—and now the Trump administration is really putting them in financial straits.

“Not to mention Tribes across our state who are still waiting on funding they were owed.

“Or in Waitsburg, Washington, where the frozen funding is risking their water main bursting—they can’t now get access a grant for a project to protect drinking water from flooding and earthquakes, wildfires and more. It is frozen; they can’t get to it.

“So, despite what we are going to hear tonight here, the true state of our nation is that Musk and Trump have ground it to a halt because they are blocking important funding—in total disregard of the law, by the way—and total lack of concern over how their actions put Americans and American jobs at risk.

“Probably won’t hear that from Trump tonight—but I can tell you, we are hearing it in my office. The phones are still ringing off the hook with calls from business owners, farmers, workers, cities, Tribes, nonprofits, so many people who are seeing what this funding freeze means for the work they are doing, for the people that they serve, and they are desperate to raise the alarm.

“You know, this is not like turning a light switch on and off, no harm is done. This is like fighting a fire, one President Trump himself set—and as long as they ignore this problem, or worse, keep fanning the flames—the worse it is going to get.

“Now, we have seen the impact we can have by speaking out. When everybody raising their voices and saying ‘we don’t want our country to be behaving like this.’ We have seen that if we raise the alarm, and raise our voices, and bring enough shame down on their heads—it is possible to get this administration to reverse the course.

“But we also know, we’ve got to be loud. We’ve got to be clear about what is at stake.

“They may not want to hear about the damage they are causing—but I am not going to let them ignore it.

“That is why tonight I am holding this call, so we can lift up the stories of people who actually are on the receiving end of Trump and Musk’s devastating freeze and who can say a bit, tell us about what is at stake for them, their communities, our country, if we don’t get things back on track.

“So I really appreciate all of you in coming on this today and sharing your stories so people understand what’s at stake and what’s happening to you.”

