
Senator Murray Cosponsors Resolution Condemning President Trump’s Escalating Attacks on the Media

Senator Murray: “…restricting media access will never be acceptable in a free and fair society”

(Washington DC)  – Following the Trump Administration’s decision to ban CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins from a press event after she questioned President Trump on his relationship with his former attorney Michael Cohen, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) joined Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) to introduce a resolution condemning the White House’s attempts to restrict media access and affirming the importance of a free and unfettered press. Over the previous weekend, Vice President Mike Pence defended the widely denounced decision as President Trump lambasted journalists on Twitter, calling the media “unpatriotic” and accusing reporters of putting lives at risk.

“The free flow of information is a cornerstone of our democracy,” dijo el senador Murray. “While it may not always be favorable to individuals or organizations, ensuring journalists can do their job without fear or intimidation is what allows all of us to disagree and debate political ideas, allows us to speak out if our government is acting in a dishonest, unethical or unlawful manner, and allows open and honest discussion of ideas—new and old. I strongly support this resolution, and hope it sends a message to the White House that restricting media access will never be acceptable in a free and fair society.”

President Trump has frequently attacked the press, describing mainstream media outlets as “a stain on America,” “trying to take away our history and our heritage,” and “the enemy of the American People.” At the end of April, the watchdog organization Reporters Without Borders dropped the United States by two places in its annual World Press Freedom Index. Four days later, President Trump called the White House press corps “a bunch of fake news liberals who hate me.” Later that month, 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl reported that President Trump explained his attacks on the press by saying, “I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.”

The resolution is supported by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Society of Journalists and Authors, Author’s Guild, Committee to Protect Journalists, Demand Progress Action, National Coalition Against Censorship, PEN American, Protect Democracy and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

The full text of the resolution introduced today is copied below. 

Condemning the decision by President Donald Trump and the White House to ban members of the media from White House events for asking critical questions of the President, and affirming the importance of a free and unfettered press in our democracy.

Whereas the President repeatedly refers to reputable journalists and multiple media organizations as “fake news”;

Whereas the President has characterized these organizations as “a stain on America”;

Whereas the President has characterized these organizations as “the real enemy of the people” while simultaneously characterizing his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin as “a great success”;

Whereas the President has threatened media organizations such as CNN and the Washington Post with antitrust actions while ignoring antitrust concerns with news organizations that provide him favorable coverage;

Whereas on July 25, 2016, the White House singled out CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins and barred her from attending an event at the White House Rose Garden;

Whereas Ms. Collins asked President Trump questions regarding his former attorney Michael Cohen and Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he did not answer, at the White House press pool earlier in the day;

Whereas the White House alleged that Ms. Collins’ questions were inappropriate for the venue;

Whereas the White House’s justification for removing Ms. Collins is clearly a pretext for the real reason she was removed – her questions were uncomfortable for the President, who didn’t like the questions she asked;

Whereas the President has threatened to take away the White House press credentials of journalists whose coverage he does not like;

Whereas the decision to bar a member of the press from the White House for the questions they ask is retaliatory in nature, violates the spirit of the First Amendment, and not indicative of an open and free press;

Whereas a free and unfettered press is the cornerstone of our democracy: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate–

(1)   condemns the decision by President Donald Trump and the White House to bar Kaitlan Collins from the White House;

(2)   condemns the escalating attacks by President Trump on reputable journalists and news organizations as “fake news,” “a stain on America,” and “the real enemy of the people”;

(3)   affirms that it is necessary and appropriate for reporters to ask questions of powerful government officials, including the President of the United States, in order to hold these officials accountable to the people of the United States;

(4)   affirms that reporters and journalists must be able to feel free to do their duty without fear of reprisal from the Government.
