
Senator Murray Affirms Unwavering Support for Israel, Condemns Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement on the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against civilians in Israel as the conflict heads into its 4th day and has resulted in at least 14 American deaths:

“As we continue to learn more about the horrific terrorist attacks on Israel, we are seeing the heartbreaking scope and scale of this grotesque assault. At this point, we know that at least 14 American civilians were among those murdered, including a University of Washington graduate, and Americans are among those being held hostage by Hamas—I cannot imagine the agony and grief their families are feeling, and my heart goes out to them. The utter cruelty of this brutal terrorist attack by Hamas, the indiscriminate killing and maiming of civilians, and the celebration of death and human suffering are indescribably chilling.

“In this moment of tragedy, we must be crystal clear: Hamas is a terrorist organization that makes no secret of its plainly antisemitic mission to wipe Jews off the face of the earth. Their violence has nothing to do with Palestinian liberation or the will of the Palestinian people—it is an unprovoked act of terror by a group with genocidal intentions against Jews, full stop. Hamas places no value on human life—Israeli or Palestinian—and they carried out this brutal attack with full knowledge that it would put innocent Palestinians in harm’s way.

“My heart aches for all of the innocent civilians who find themselves now in the middle of escalating violence they had no part in and do not want—including the Palestinian civilians who want to live in peace and safety, and with dignity and justice that has too long been denied. We must all still work toward a future that ensures peace and justice for both Israelis and Palestinians.

"I have spoken with Jewish leaders in my state these past few days: the Jewish community is small and connected—so many Jews in Washington state have family, friends, and loved ones in Israel. For Jews here at home and around the world, this attack feels intensely personal, deeply terrifying, and recalls centuries of antisemitic abuse, trauma, and expulsion embedded in their own family histories. I am thinking of my Jewish friends and neighbors and their families and loved ones who feel the immense pain of this moment, whether they are in Israel today or thousands of miles away. Words are not enough.

“My staff and I will continue to monitor the situation closely and we stand ready to assist any residents of Washington state who are in Israel, the West Bank, or Gaza. I will be working diligently with President Biden and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and to send a strong message to the world that the United States of America stands with Israel—our commitment and alliance is unwavering.”
