
Murray Releases National Security Supplemental

ICYMI: Senator Murray speaks on next steps for the supplemental at Senate Democrats’ weekly press conference – MÁS AQUÍ

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, released a national security supplemental funding package to: support Ukraine and Israel; deliver vital humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere; invest in strengthening our industrial base; support regional partners in the Indo-Pacific; meet operational needs at our southern border; stop the flow of fentanyl; and more.

In a statement, Senator Murray said:

"We face a host of pressing national security challenges that demand continued American leadership—and immediate action from Congress. It’s past time for Senators to stop tying partisan and extreme immigration proposals to a broadly bipartisan supplemental.

“With funding for Ukraine exhausted as Director Young detailed this week, it is imperative we extend our support for Ukraine at this pivotal moment and make clear to Putin and other dictators that they cannot simply wait out the United States. This supplemental delivers aid to Israel and vital humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. It invests in our industrial base and national security, and supports our allies in the Indo-Pacific in the face of growing threats and aggression from the Chinese government. It turbocharges efforts across government to stop the flow of fentanyl and crack down on transnational criminal organizations trafficking it. This package also provides resources to meet operational needs and humanely process new arrivals at our southern border.

“I urge my colleagues to realize that continuing to delay passage of a serious security supplemental—or failing to pass one—would be a massive gift to Putin, the Chinese Communist Party, and our adversaries around the world.

“And as we work to meet these needs, we absolutely must continue working to address the challenges facing families here at home—like the child care crisis, fully funding WIC, and much more. I will continue to insist we do nothing less.”

The $110.5 billion national security supplemental funding package includes:

  • Assistance to continue supporting Ukraine at a pivotal moment as it defends itself from Putin’s bloody invasion and to provide critical resources for the Ukrainian people.
  • Security assistance to Israel, particularly to strengthen missile defense capabilities.
  • Humanitarian assistance to provide emergency food, water, shelter, and basic services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, and other populations caught in conflict zones across the globe.
  • Investments in the United States’ industrial base to increase weapons and munitions production capacity, replenish and enhance U.S. and allied weapons stockpiles, and strengthen our submarine industrial base.
  • Assistance to support critical regional partners in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Resources to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war of aggression and other refugees fleeing persecution.
  • Funding for Inspectors General to conduct effective oversight of supplemental funding provided in this package.
  • New investments to support cross-government efforts to stop fentanyl from coming into our country, modernize and improve detection capabilities, and disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations producing and trafficking fentanyl and other illicit drugs.
  • Resources to meet operational needs at the southern border, humanely manage new encounters, reduce processing and adjudication backlogs, and support partner country efforts to improve integration and identify legal pathways for migrants in third countries.
  • Additional funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help nonprofits and places of worship make security enhancements in the face of new threats.

A full summary of the package is available AQUÍ.

Text of the legislation is available AQUÍ.

