Senator Patty Murray press release

Murray on McCarthy Debt Ceiling Vote: Dead on Arrival Legislation is “A Disaster for Everyone”

ICYMI: Murray on McCarthy Debt Ceiling Proposal to MSNBC: “This is crazy… The Answer is No”

ICYMI: Republican Debt Ceiling Plan Would Boost Joblessness, Analysis Shows – More from Bloomberg AQUÍ

ICYMI: The Republican Debt Limit Plan Will Devastate Public Safety – More from Third Way AQUÍ

Washington DC – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and senior member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement after House Republicans passed dead-on-arrival MAGA legislation to hold our economy hostage by refusing to pay our nation’s bills unless Democrats agree to massive cuts to vital programs and services that families rely on and that are essential for our government to function and our economy to thrive. The legislation passed by a vote of 217-215, with no Democrats voting in support of the legislation.

“House Republicans just voted to threaten economic catastrophe and hold the full faith and credit of the U.S. hostage so they can cut families off from support they rely on and surrender our economic competitiveness to China. Let’s be clear about what this means: Republicans are refusing to pay our nation’s bills unless they can take a chainsaw to our economy with draconian cuts that will kill nearly eight hundred thousand jobs, hurt small businesses and working families, shrink our economy, and send us careening into a recession—as a new analysis from top nonpartisan economists makes clear.

“If you think this won’t affect you—you’re wrong. This bill is a disaster for everyone. The MAGA Republican bill will slash vital funding that keeps planes in the sky and trains on the rails, keeps our food and drugs safe, and supply chains secure. It will pull cops off our streets and drive a wrecking ball through our border security, making it easier for deadly fentanyl to flood our streets.

"And if that weren’t bad enough, House Republicans passed spending caps to lock in even more devastating cuts for the next decade. That’s ten years of China and our adversaries investing in their economies, growing stronger, and gaining ground while House Republicans tie our hands and force us to fall farther and farther behind. A lost decade for America—that is what MAGA Republicans just voted for.

“What House Republicans just voted for is a deeply unserious and yet deeply dangerous proposal that caters to the whims of extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Here in the Senate, we’re hard at work on bipartisan spending bills to move our country forward—not back. That’s what we should all be focused on right now.”

An análisis by Moody’s Analytics found that the House GOP legislation would cause hundreds of thousands of job losses and push our economy into a recession—in addition to pulling cops off our streets, kicking families out of their homes, laying off air traffic controllers, railroad safety inspectors, and other critical workers; ceding manufacturing ground to China, taking a wrecking ball to our fight against the opioid crisis, and more.

A new análisis by the House Budget Committee found that—alongside other devastating impacts on Washington state—the bill would:

  • Put 371,000 people at risk of losing Medicaid coverage in Washington;
  • Threaten access to food assistance for 19,000 gente aged 50-55 in Washington;
  • Eliminate preschool and child care for at least 4,800 children in Washington;
  • Increase housing costs for at least 17,400 people in Washington;
  • Make college more expensive for at least 89,400 students in Washington;
  • Eliminate at least 6 air traffic control towers in Washington;
  • Cut at least 240 rail safety inspection days in Washington; and
  • Repeal investments in cleaner, cheaper energy — threatening at least 800 clean energy and manufacturing jobs announced in Washington since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.

