State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Bill Would Deliver Yakima From Meth

YAKIMA — Drug arrests are a daily routine for Yakima
police. Whether it’s marijuana, cocaine, or methamphetamine none of
these drugs are new. Shawnee Cady says she has seen it out in the open.
“In the night time, I usually see a bunch of cars sitting and somebody
in the corner waiting for the person, and they’ll be like cha!” Cady
explained the drug deals through hand gestures.

Senator Patty Murray included Yakima in a bill to fight
Methamphetamine. Yakima is one of several cities that would share 2.1
million dollars.

Captain Greg Copeland said, “These are tough times for
everybody, including law enforcement, so anything that helps us on the
fight against methamphetamine, or any other drug, could only be a good

Methamphetamine is a problem, but Yakima police say a new
drug has taken over the ranks.

“Cocaine is coming back again as the number one stimulant
drug of choice here in Yakima and elsewhere as well,” explained

Statistics show in 2007, Yakima police seized 4,653.42 grams
of methamphetamine. Last year, that number went down by a third.
Compare that to the amount of cocaine police seized last year, it has
increased 70%. Cady says it will take more than a bill to really fix
the problem. “I think even if they do stop it, or try and stop it, it’s
never going to stop because if yo have an addiction, you’ll find anyway
to get that addiction,” Cady said.

Yakima police and Senator Murray says they are up for the
challenge. The bill is expected to be passed by Congress and President
Obama in weeks. The money would also go toward fighting gang activity
and other drug crimes.
