
Ahead of the 2nd Dobbs Anniversary, Murray, Schumer, Stabenow, Klobuchar, Hirono, Duckworth, and Rosen Hold Press Conference Raising Alarm on Project 2025, How a Second Trump Term Would be an All-Out Assault on Reproductive Freedom Across America

ICYMI: New Fact Sheet Outlines How Donald Trump and his Anti-Abortion Allies Will Try to Rip Away Reproductive Rights from Women Across America with Radical Project 2025 Agenda – MÁS AQUÍ

ICYMI: Murray, Schumer, Senate Democratic Women Introduce Bill Expressing Support for Reproductive Rights, Challenge Republicans to Support at Least the Idea that Women Should Be Able to Access Basic Reproductive Health Care – MÁS AQUÍ

Senators warned about the full-fledged assault on reproductive rights Donald Trump will begin implementing on Day One, as outlined in Project 2025—from overturning FDA approval of mifepristone to ripping away access to contraception and enacting a backdoor national abortion ban


Washington DC – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member and former chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, hosted a press conference with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) to raise the alarm about how a second Trump administration would wage an all-out assault on reproductive rights and abortion access in every state, beginning on Day One.

Their plans are outlined in detail by Trump allies and former administration staffers in Project 2025—a radical, nearly 1,000-page playbook from an alliance of right-wing, vehemently anti-abortion groups—and include wielding the power of the presidency to do everything from overturning the FDA’s original 2000 approval of mifepristone, to ripping away access to contraception, to weaponizing a hostile federal government to track sensitive data about women seeking abortion care, to misapplying the 1873 Comstock Act in an attempt to ban the mailing of medication abortion, and much more. ICYMI, Senator Murray released a new FACT SHEET yesterday outlining Project 2025’s attacks on reproductive rights.

“There are no two ways about it: Republicans intend to ban abortion nationwide. They have made their plan public for all the world to see with Project 2025, the radical and detailed agenda that a far-right alliance is preparing to implement under a second Trump administration,” dijo el senador Murray. “This plan by Donald Trump and his allies includes reversing FDA’s approval of mifepristone, attacking access to contraception, and trying to misuse the 1873 Comstock Act—which the Department of Justice has repeatedly made clear does not apply—as a backdoor way to ban abortion nationwide by criminally prosecuting people for mailing medication abortion. It’s a detailed roadmap to rip away a woman’s right to choose in every single state in America—and they don’t even need Congress to try to do it! Americans need to understand that abortion rights are on the ballot this November, in every single state.”

“This June marks two years since the disastrous Dobbs decision ripped away women’s reproductive freedoms and threw chaos into our health care system,” dijo el líder Schumer. “The reversal of Roe v Wade was the result of a decade-long crusade from far-right activists. When Republicans blocked federal protections for contraception and IVF a few weeks ago, they chose MAGA extremism over the American people. And it has become abundantly clear that without Democrats to stand up for these values, the extremists will not stop until they have enacted a nationwide abortion ban.”

“The Dobbs decisions sowed chaos across our country, but also foretold more chaos to come, with Republicans signaling their desire to reconsider the right to contraception,” said SenatorHirono. “From reclassifying contraceptives to defunding family planning programs and much more, Donald Trump and his allies are making clear that if they regain power, they’re coming after contraception – and Project 2025 is their blueprint. The threats to contraception aren’t hypothetical, which is why Senate Democrats are working to sound the alarm and codify our fundamental reproductive rights in law.”  

“For months now, Republicans have been running to cable news shows, loudly proclaiming their supposed support for IVF—but anyone who’s paying attention know that that’s a flat-out lie,” dijo el senador Duckworth. “If Republicans actually cared about protecting IVF as much as they do about protecting Donald Trump’s ego, they would have helped me pass my Right to IVF bill last week. Instead, they’re showing just how empty their words are. But the threat to women’s rights isn’t hypothetical—as GOP legislatures, courts and the extremists at Project 2025 have made all too clear, this threat is already a real-life nightmare for countless women who are now forced to live in fear that if Trump wins in November, he will it even harder for them to start families. Today, and every other day, I’m proud to work alongside my Democratic colleagues to actually defend women’s rights—because we all know Republicans won’t.”

“Right now, anti-choice extremists are attacking the fundamental right for a pregnant woman to receive proper medical care in an emergency by overturning EMTALA, a decades-old federal law,” said Senator Rosen. “If the Supreme Court overturns this law, make no mistake, women will die. This is just another attempt by anti-choice extremists to control women’s bodies. Let me be clear: we won’t let them.”

Senate Democrats made clear at the outset of this Congress that they are continuing to fight to protect every American’s reproductive rights and will be a firewall against Republicans’ continued attacks on women’s rights. Senate Democrats have introducido más than a dozen pieces of legislation to protect reproductive rights from further attacks, protect providers, and help ensure women get the care they need; importantly, Senate Democrats are fighting to pass the Ley de protección de la salud de la mujer, which would restore the right to abortion nationwide. Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, Senate Democrats sought unanimous consent on the Senate floor to pass four common-sense bills to protect women’s fundamental freedoms—Senate Republicans blocked every single bill. Led by Murray, Senate Democrats also hosted a “State of Abortion Rights” briefing earlier this year to highlight the chaos and cruelty of the abortion bans that have been enacted in Republican-led states since Roe was overturned, and the need to pass legislation to restore the right to abortion nationwide. On June 4th, Senator Murray chaired a HELP Committee audiencia titled “The Assault on Women’s Freedoms: How Abortion Bans Have Created a Health Care Nightmare Across America.” Recently, Senate Democrats forced Republicans on the record on votes to protect access to contraception y access to IVF—Senate Republicans blocked consideration of both bills, showing once again how extreme and out-of-step they are with the American people when it comes to reproductive rights for women.

Senator Murray’s full remarks, as delivered at the press conference, are below.:

“There are no two ways about it: Republicans intend to ban abortion nationwide.

“And it’s not just me saying that—because they have made their plan public for all the world to see—plain as day—it’s called Project 2025, the radical and detailed agenda that a far-right alliance is preparing to implement under a second Trump Administration.

“My colleagues are going to have a lot more to say about how alarming this agenda is, but to give you an idea: they want to stack our courts with far-right judges who have been specifically vetted for their anti-abortion views, and rubber stamped by extreme anti-choice groups.

“They want to try to misuse the 1873 Comstock Act—which the Department of Justice has repeatedly made clear does not apply—as a backdoor way to ban abortion nationwide by criminally prosecuting people for mailing medication abortion, and potentially even the medical supplies necessary for abortion care.

“They want to take Title X funding away from trusted health care providers—and give it to centers that lie to women to pressure them out of getting abortions.

“They also want to have FDA reverse its’ approval of medication abortion completely, cutting off access in every single state in the most common method of abortion.

“They want a new regime of invasive abortion data tracking—giving a hostile federal government sensitive information about women seeking necessary health care.

“They want to refuse to enforce federal laws that say women in medical emergencies can get abortion care if it’s necessary to save their health and life, and they will attack access to—and insurance coverage of—contraception, ripping birth control away from women in every state, especially low-income women. 

“So, to recap: Right now, Donald Trump and his allies are planning a detailed roadmap, they given it out, to rip away a woman’s right to choose in every single state in America, should they take power.

“Not just with legislation by the way—they don’t even need Congress to pass bills for most of this, they will try to do this with just Donald Trump in the White House, wielding the power of the Presidency.

“That is how dangerous this is!

“So, here’s what Americans need to understand: Abortion rights are absolutely on the ballot in November—in every single state. Project 2025 leaves no doubt. You can go read about it yourself.

“So if you want to stand up for abortion rights in America—you need to use your voice and your vote.”

