Senator Murray believes that working families are the backbone of our economy and that when they succeed, our businesses, communities, and economy succeed. By investing in working families, she is helping build an economy that works for everyone—not just those at the top.
One of Senator Murray’s top priorities in the Senate is to address our nation’s child care crisis. She hears all the time from working parents across Washington state and the country about the challenges they face when it comes to finding quality, affordable child care—and for so many women, and in particular, women of color, it’s why they’ve been forced to quit their jobs, struggled to support their families, or struggled to grow their careers. Senator Murray is leading the fight in Congress to ensure families can find affordable care, child care providers can keep their doors open and earn a livable wage, and children can get an early education that can help them thrive.
El senador Murray ha luchado durante mucho tiempo para apoyar a las familias garantizando licencias por enfermedad, familiares y médicas pagadas. La pandemia de COVID-19 destacó cuán costosa era para los trabajadores, las familias, las empresas y nuestro país nuestra falta de un programa nacional de licencias pagadas y una política de días de enfermedad pagados. El senador Murray está trabajando duro para asegurarse de que ya no seamos un país que obliga a los trabajadores a tomar la decisión imposible entre un cheque de pago y quedarse en casa para cuidar de sí mismos o de un familiar enfermo.