
Senator Murray on Republican Attempt to Pass Israel-Only Aid Bill, Urges Colleagues to Support Aid for Ukraine

ICYMI: Senator Murray urges Senate Republicans to move forward on national security supplemental – MÁS AQUÍ

***RELOJ: Senator Murray objects to Republican attempt to exclude aide for Ukraine***

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke on the Senate floor after objecting to a Senate Republican attempt, led by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS), to pass military aid for Israel only, excluding Ukraine, by unanimous consent. Senator Murray joined colleagues on the floor to note Senate Republicans just blocked a comprehensive package with support for Israel—and reiterating the need to meet all the national security challenges we face. Watch Senator Murray’s remarks AQUÍ.

Senator Murray’s remarks, as delivered. are below:

“Thank you, M. President, reserving the right to object.

“I have been clear about why we deber deliver support for Ukraine, Israel, and humanitarian assistance together.

“As have many of my colleagues.

“That’s why we just attempted to move forward on one package that meets all of these needs.

“A package that Republicans blocked.

“I spoke about this before the vote, but let me just reiterate how dire the situation is right now.

“Our support for Ukraine has been essential, but it has also now been exhausted.

“Our allies are waiting for aid and Putin is just waiting for us to send a sign it is not coming.

“But Putin is not the only one watching right now—the world is watching this debate.

“Our allies want to know—when they are facing a crisis, can they count on America to stand with them? Or will we give up on them when it gets tough? Or when we get distracted with other crises?

“They are all watching and wondering: can America still lead—or are we overwhelmed? Will America pick and choose which promises it keeps?

“And, let’s not forget, it’s not just big-name allies and adversaries we are talking about here. There are many smaller, but no less important countries, who are watching. Some are in critical regions facing historic decisions about the paths and partnerships they will pursue in the years ahead, and they are wondering: is the United States a reliable partner?

“We have to put those concerns to rest with a strong package that shows our commitment to our allies—and to standing up to dictators—is ironclad.

“That is what is at stake here.

“Not just our allies in Ukraine—who are at a key moment in their battle to protect their sovereignty.

“Not just our deterrence to adversaries like Putin and other dictators who would trample democracy if given the chance.

“But our very credibility on the world stage.

“We have to respond to all of these crises or we are telling the world: ‘don’t count on America—we are at capacity.’

“That’s an incredibly dangerous message to send—especially at such a critical moment. It should be unthinkable!

“Now, I appreciate my colleague’s urgency to get aid to Israel.

“But this is a deeply flawed way to deliver it.

“This bill would not provide a single dollar in desperately needed humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza—and elsewhere.

“And it would not address the urgent need to extend funding for Ukraine.

“There are civilians in Ukraine right now who are suffering—and have been for months.

“There is also an enemy in Ukraine who is on the march—and just waiting for an opening to gain the upper hand.

“We have been discussing the aid for our allies in Ukraine for much longer than aid for Israel—which is also urgently needed—and we have already been delayed here too long.

“To force Ukraine to wait—or to withhold future aid—is to abandon an ally, surrender to a dictator, and invite more chaos around the world.

“We cannot leave Ukraine behind.

“Nor can we fail to deliver humanitarian assistance before the humanitarian crisis in Gaza devolves further into hopelessness that can worsen the threats we are already facing.

“At this critical moment, it’s not just the right thing to do, it is also essential to our national security interests to help promote stability and security.

“And that same logic applies to other investments as well, like supporting our allies in the Indo-Pacific: invest in stability so we avoid paying for chaos.

“We have to move quickly to respond to these challenges, yes—but we also have to move completely to respond to them.

“Because, as I have said before, they are all connected!

“If we let the Israel-Hamas war weaken our resolve elsewhere, we are telling dictators across the world that the best way to get America off your back… is for it to be distracted by crises elsewhere.

“We are essentially giving Hamas and other extremists a new sales pitch to make when seeking support from bad actors: ‘Give us support, and we will keep America busy. They can’t deal with you if they are focused on us.’

“That is a profoundly dangerous message to send.

“Putin is watching closely to see if this is his opportunity to make our resolve waver in Ukraine.

“As it plots its next moves, the Chinese government is watching closely to see if we will stand up to aggressors.

“And if we falter, other adversaries will take note as well.

“That’s why doing half the job here is not going to cut it.

“We have to do the whole job. Anything less is telling our allies America cannot be trusted.

“And telling dictators they can have free rein—because America is too busy to lead right now.

“We must not invite more chaos.

“We must not abandon any of our allies.

“We have to show U.S. leadership is still strong. And still capable of meeting ALL the challenges before us.

“So I urge Republicans to get serious about the situation before us, so we can pass a package—like the one we just voted on—that shows the world America takes its commitments seriously and doesn’t just stand by some of its allies, some of the time.

“I object.”

