
Murray on Senate Republicans Blocking Security Supplemental

ICYMI: Senator Murray urges Senate Republicans to move forward on national security supplemental – MÁS AQUÍ

***RELOJ: Senator Murray responds to failed cloture vote***

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke on the Senate floor after Senate Republicans voted to block consideration of the Senate’s national security supplemental comprised of bipartisan priorities.

Senator Murray’s remarks, as delivered. are below:

“The clock is ticking—aid for our allies in Ukraine has run dry, and the whole world is watching to see if the U.S. is still capable of standing by all of its allies in times of need. There is a lot at stake here.

“Now is the time for choosing whether the U.S. will continue being a leader in the world and a champion for democracy. So I hope Senate Republicans think carefully about whether they truly want to abandon our allies in Ukraine over draconian, far-right immigration policies that will never become law—or if they will work with us to stop conditioning this aid on partisan nonstarters, and get this vital funding over the line.

“If they can put forward a common-sense bipartisan proposal regarding the border, we will consider them. They had a real opportunity today to do just that and debate those policies on the Senate floor.

“But let’s be clear, we do not have time to give up, and call it a day. We have too much at stake to settle for half steps that tell the world the U.S. no longer knows how to stand with its allies or stand up to dictators.

“Votes matter—blocking consideration of today’s supplemental sends a real and dangerous signal to the entire world—to our allies and adversaries alike. But it is not too late for us to come together and send a different message: a message that says America is united when it comes to leading on the world stage and keeping our country and our friends safe.

“Let’s talk to one another, let’s understand that compromise has to happen, and let’s act quickly and completely to deliver the national security resources that are so badly needed. I am ready to get to work with my colleagues and do just that.”

