
Amid Strong Opposition to President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee, Senator Murray Launches Campaign to Gather Stories About Impact of Roe v. Wade on Families Across the Country

Senator Murray launched a sitio web for people to share stories about the impact Roe contra Wade has had for them and their loved ones

In recent discurso de piso blasting Judge Kavanaugh’s record against women’s reproductive rights, Senator Murray shared stories of women from before and after Roe contra Wade illustrating the importance of the decision

Recent WSJ/NBC poll shows 71 percent of voters oppose overturning Roe contra Wade

Senator Murray: “Make no mistake: if Judge Kavanaugh is seated on the Supreme Court bench, five men will be empowered to overturn Roe contra Wade and take us back to the days when women didn’t have the option of accessing safe, legal abortion.”

Senator Murray: “I have been truly inspired by all the women and families coming forward to explain exactly what this Administration’s harmful policies would mean in their lives, or in the lives of people they care about, and that’s why I’m asking more people to speak out…”

ICYMI—VIDEO: Sharing powerful stories of women’s experiences post-Roe contra Wade, Senator Murray lays out the case against Judge Kavanaugh’s vision for women in America, calls on men and women to speak out against nomination – ENLACE  

(Washington DC)  – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the top Democrat on the Senate health committee and the highest ranking woman in the U.S. Senate, launched a platform for people across the country to share their stories about how Roe contra Wade has impacted their lives and those of their loved ones and why access to the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion and birth control, is so important to women’s health, economic security, and freedom.

Following President Trump’s decision to pick an extreme, ideological conservative as his nominee for the Supreme Court, women and families across the country have been sharing their stories about the importance of women’s reproductive rights in their lives and speaking out about their opposition to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation—or any nominee who would mean that five men will overturn Roe. v. Wade and roll back women’s’ right to access safe, legal abortion. The new effort launched by Senator Murray will help lift up those stories.

The website can be found AQUÍ.

“President Trump has nominated an extreme, ideological conservative judge to the Supreme Court, and the threat to women’s reproductive rights is frighteningly real. Make no mistake: if Judge Kavanaugh is seated on the Supreme Court bench, five men will be empowered to overturn Roe v. Wade and take us back to the days when women didn’t have the option of accessing safe, legal abortion,” dijo el senador Murray.

“I have been truly inspired by all the women and families coming forward to explain exactly what this Administration’s harmful policies would mean in their lives, or in the lives of people they care about, and that’s why I’m asking more people to speak out and share their stories about how has Roe v. Wade has impacted them or their loved ones.

“I’m committed to continuing to fight for women’s reproductive freedoms, and I know there is simply too much at stake to sit on the sidelines—and we can defeat this nomination.”
